
I had a hard time with the final point. It was so anti-climatic. It was, like, — whaaaa! That’s it…but…but…that was the first match point!

She only had 21-hour turn around time.

Your phrasing of this kind of makes it seem like it’s weird or ridiculous that the vice presidential candidate reminded the American public that the opposing presidential candidate once asked a foreign government to hack his opponent. I’m pretty sure it’s pretty normal to do this. I’m pretty sure that if Hillary

Me, too. Only in my case, it wasn’t me only eating fruit, it was my toddler kid. YAYYYY! Diarrhea and rampant diaper rash. I’m probably the only mom ever to be like, Hey, no more fruit, let’s have some french fries.

Just another way to hide anorexia.

Also - he was being harassed by someone — but wanted to stay in the same class as her?

Good thing U of C decided not to make any safe spaces.

Also, if you’re a voter and you can’t see how totally fucking corrupt Trump is, how he is fattening his own wallet with his campaign — I’d bet a kajillion fucking dollars that he has pocket money from people in exchange for favors, already, a kajillion fucking dollars — how he has repeatedly taken advantage of the

“Don’t get me wrong, there will be nothing of any consequence in Clinton’s schedules.”

Yeah, because large media companies invest a lot of money into election coverage. They need people to care so that they can make a return, and the only way people will care is if they think it’s close. Who’s going to pay attention to the news for the three months if the media’s honest — which would be to say, Hillary

“most of America did nothing” — What are you supposed to do when most of your country is bigoted? Pass laws telling people to stop being douches? I mean — come on.

Ah, so this way, if Hillary wins, they can throw shade and make her seem illegitimate?

Well, how else do you think Trump is going to get 95 percent of the African-American vote in 2020?

And is just using racism.

Except one of them is cuckoo.

Arizona is a swing state. Or at least, it’s a state that trump needs to win that he is in real danger of losing.

How many days has it been since someone in the msm has pointed out that Trump has been accused of raping a little girl?

they have to be able to give good feedback about the car to help the mechanics make adjustments — i think? plus they need to be able to understand strategy and how to execute it.

Yeah, the only reason why it’s even an issue is because people want to use it to trash/embarrass Hillary Clinton.

It’s sketchy that the health report of a supposedly healthy person was issued by a gastroenterologist. Who has a gastroentrologist when they don’t have some kind of an illness?