
Not for nothing, but aren’t we all a little bit 2 people? When you’ve got to be ON for the public, sometimes you just wanna come home & relax & calm down & have some down time w/o all the 24hr smiley, joke cutting, happiness. After being at work all day having to smile at people politely & yes them to death when I get

Well I suppose you can buy scientists, but that’s different from science as a process?

But very, very common

You guys, I have hit peak old person.

Thank you for that. Only in the world of celebrity can a teenager’s negative assessment of their parent be taken seriously, and used as the basis for crap comments on the part of adults who read that assessment. If Ms. Chelsea wants to board the ‘my Mom is (insert teen assessment here - mean, crazy, unbalanced...)

Well it’s supposed to at least... obviously what happened to this girl is wrong. I’m just saying that in an ideal situation (aka not the state of Alabama) that’s why that rule exists.

In a recent study, over 40 percent of parents agree or strongly agree that vaccines played a part in the development of their children’s autism.”

I’m sure there’s a black sorority she could join where her sisters will support her, but that’s not the point. She’s the Little Rock Nine all over again.

You can’t. Once you’re initiated in one you can’t join another.

What the fuck is wrong with white people and status issues? They straight up don’t care if people think they’re racist because they care more about appearing “proper” to the people with “status.” It’s so repulsively class-based and so... 1950s. How the fuck is it 2015 and we’re still having COLLEGE STUDENTS so wrapped

Not to mention the “source” is the Daily Mail.

I’m really glad. I know it can be freaking impossible to find the right medications for Bipolar II, or any “atypical depression.” And that the medications can have terrible side effects.

Actually, reading what she says, I’m like “So?” holding all those babies and being nice to strangers is fucking TIRING. If I had to do that every time I went out you fucking bet I wouldn’t want to do anything but watch netflix alone in a room. I’m not sure this kid’s criticism is as damning as she thinks it is. That

I’m super sure about vaping in that I’m super sure it’s lame.

Excellent points.

Lilo was not princess, though.

What, this is so awesome!! I gotta check this out, thank you! I had not see the "recobbled" cut.

I mean, at least Tea Carrera was born and raised in Hawaii, so that was a step in the right direction. And now Disney’s doing even better and really getting it right. So yay, progress!

Thank you for owning your comment and not trying to explain it away. I respect that.