
You know, I’m really more bothered with the open container in the bathroom. People at the office take their coffee cups in and leave them on the counter and there are poop germs floating in the air in there!!!

Exactly, which is why it’s really unfortunate she was so defensive during her interview. If she’d used that platform to explain herself a bit more thoroughly I think she’d be getting a lot less vitriol thrown her way.

Yep, if she were only speaking to her own experience it would be sad but understandable. But she’s extending her experience out to other women. In the limited interview, she seemed to equate most sexual assaults with stranger rape, which we all know is not the experience of most women.

You probably need more fibre in your diet.

I’ve regularly had naps on the toilet (sitting on the closed lid) on my break in work after a heavy night the night before. Not any more though as I’m too old to stay up past midnight

His subject line was a well known quotation from some piece of media which I've not actually seen but have heard many people yell amusingly.

My utmost apologies for anyone offended by that one. I didn’t even think about the content of the story when I made that statement. I’m a fucking asshole for that shit

On a Cosby related note: Dave Chapelle is currently touring and spends about 30 minutes on a skit that talks about a superhero who can only activate his powers by raping a woman. He draws the parallel to Cosby. Maybe it’s ok that Cosby has done this (with the disclaimer “I know rape is wrong”) because of all of the

So sad that kicked, pled, whatever seem to be 1,2,3 before tried here. Not that “tried” means much here anymore either

I have always believed in letting the punishment fit the crime, so drugging him and having him wake up in a cell seems the logical course.

Honestly, the only shooter that I really was mentaly ill (rather than just being a jerk) was Adam Lanza. That kid didn’t seem particularly angry or vengeful, just fucked in the head.

I mean it would depend on how much wine was involved and how recently it had been emptied. Plus I sit on my toilet to poop in it and don’t think that’s gross why is it different when I’m not pooping?

Oftentimes, because the police investigations can literally drag on for years (I was involved in a sex crime case as a victim in CA and even though it was pretty clear cut with a video and everything, it took years for the case to be brought after all the motions and kicking it around from one court to a higher etc.)

Saville is like a depraved monster from the Sin City comics. Like all the worst stuff you could imagine all in one person that was a beloved and trusted figure. One of those that actually makes me wish I'm wrong about the whole fire and brimstone hell stuff. He died before any of his crimes came to light.

More importantly - he claimed he represented a medical clinic that was proven not to have existed, which is even more illegal.

The bigger question is whether Hef’s daughter(who runs the Playboy business now) will say anything.

After all these years it’s unlikely there’s enough evidence to file a criminal case, if there ever was in the first place. With acquaintance rape cases, it’s notoriously tough to meet that bar. Civil court is often the only road open to victims.

So at first I just thought you were kind of dim, posting that link over and over again as a real story when it’s transparently fiction.

Man, Arken, all you can say is that you tried. You cannot be a dictionary for all of these people, nor make up for wanton ignorance.

It’s easier to win a civil case than to get a conviction.