You don’t, but if you did, that would absolutely be your right to do so as long as you didn’t break any laws while claiming to be Spider-Man. Why can’t you claim you’re Spider-Man? Who does it hurt?
You don’t, but if you did, that would absolutely be your right to do so as long as you didn’t break any laws while claiming to be Spider-Man. Why can’t you claim you’re Spider-Man? Who does it hurt?
The one right no one can take away from us is the right to define ourselves as we wish. You can claim she is a he all you like, but she’s still a she to herself.
That episode is the only one on Netflix and oh my god is it awful. Plus the lesson it teaches kids... whine and loathe yourself enough and everyone will be your friend!
Blue’s Clues is the funniest show ever if you pretend that Steve has brain damage and is hallucinating the whole thing. Especially when he says he’s leaving to go to college.
Caillou has fucking cancer. That’s why he’s bald. I hope you feel bad for making fun of him, you monster.
I hate this show so much. Thankfully, my daughter has finally moved on from it. She discovered how to search YouTube on the TV and she would even watch episodes in languages she didn’t understand.
Pay attention to me! Pay attention to me! I can’t hear you! Pay attention to me!
Except by saying he wants more head-on collisions in football, he is, in fact, supporting brain damage.
You think the media cares who wins? They care about getting viewers so their advertisers are happy. Trump brings viewers. Including people like you who complain about it.
Yeah, cut off the oil and they’ll only have the heroin, marijuana, the high taxes they charge their locals, ransom payments and the selling off of the billions of dollars of U.S. army equipment that we left behind along with the millions their supporters outside ISIS are giving them.
Hi, not a typical Jalopnik guy here, so I thought I’d put out a non-car aficionado’s view on this: I absolutely hate getting gas. It’s dirty and smelly and if it’s in the winter, I have to stand in the cold and the wind. If I don’t have a card on me, I have to pay up front in cash before I can put a drop in, even if I…
And one of the problems with our broken immigration system is that it is creating human tragedies and there are human tragedies when people break the law
Novel devices often sell out even at high price points... at the beginning. Which is not especially helpful to the company making them if it isn’t sustaining.
Weirdly enough, people generally don’t take well to being lied to.
Then I guess I’m not a “real” gamer and just someone who plays a lot of games and really enjoys them.
Framed is honestly the best game I have ever played using a touchscreen. Very few others really get the possibilities with one.
The atomic bomb was built with 1940s technology. The hydrogen bomb was built with 1950s technology. Considering that, the only thing that really surprises me is that more countries haven’t developed them by now.
I wish I was cool enough to get a big boy car. :(
Thank you! That was what I was thinking of!
I have a vague memory of one or two other weird giant buildings Gernsback proposed. Am I misremembering?