
“And also, um, one of them was The Joker. Why not?”

A guy tried to light his underwear on fire on an airplane and got called a terrorist, so I don’t see why these guys should be spared.

You shut your mouth about BeOS. BeOS was awesome.

I never said he did! Jeez!

Yeah, I think you’re a little quick to dismiss the criticism of Huxley. His problem with Jews had nothing to do with religion.

Man, I can’t count the number of times I was feeling a major allergy attack coming on and I reached for the benadryl only to accidentally take quaaludes by accident because I don’t have my glasses on...

Her first name is surprisingly apt.

From Kristin’s Facebook post: “This has ruined his belief in Santa.”

War... War never changes...

People don’t seem to remember that MacArthur told a journalist that he wanted to nuke the Chinese in 1950. He said it half-joking, but if there had been no Hiroshima and Nagasaki I have no doubt he would have done it and Truman would have signed off on it.

Now playing

Countdown to Looking Glass is better. And based on actual military war gaming. Plus, the whole thing is on YouTube.

I think the above still applies.

Doesn’t sound logical to me.

How weird is it when James Earl Jones suddenly shows up in the back of that bomber?

I’m betting the 2015 version includes a lot more countries, especially in West and Central Asia.

I’m guessing West Berliners didn’t expect otherwise considering the only way they could leave their own city was by air. Much like Californians keep living there knowing their cities could be wiped out any day now by a massive earthquake.

I used to rent a house in the middle of Los Angeles that had a fallout shelter in the backyard. That’s some wishful thinking! It was a musty concrete box buried just inches below the ground about the size of a bread truck that you got to by climbing down a rickety ladder. It also had a wooden hatch because we all know

And as tragic as it was, I am of the opinion that if the world hadn’t seen the horrors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, there would have been a much bigger nuclear exchange later on. Actually seeing two cities get destroyed and the terrible aftermath definitely had an effect on future leaders.

Dude. Lighten up.

I’ve never seen Anchorman and I think you might not have noticed that my post was the opposite of serious.