5 will get you 20 that you never emerge from the gray with that kind of attitude.
Hmm. It’s kissing words for many who otherwise like most Bell’s products.
Amazingly....... ?
Jesus X. Christ, what a handle!
I’ve got a car with a too-large grille and summer’s coming... maybe I won’t pour out that case of unmemorable Yuengling I bought, total sucker that I am, in that ultimate concrete Bermuda Triangle, Breezewood, PA.
Can’t agree. Whitsun is a good example of the style. Oberon is a good example of $$.
Bingo, that sounds like win-win. Good call.
Already been thought through - see above. Surprise, surprise, the lawyers win in every scenario.....
You’ll get your 2 cents’ worth - the lawyers have tentatively agreed to pay back PPV customers at the rate of $0.02 per decade until you, Pacquiao, or Mayweather dies, provided.... that you write to request each payment at least 30 but no more than 35 days before payment is due.
This isn’t a no-show hooker case. You got f*cked good and proper, so you don’t get a “fucking refund.”
According to the Book of South Park, there’s hell and Detroit.
So it's not true that old Aass is better than no Aass at all?
Maybe WG could give us 500 annoying words on what Aass tastes like.
Thank you. Maybe you could write his columns....
I'm one of them.
Thanks. I needed that. I wish he would STFU and GTTFP, ITI1.
And WG is a beer writer the same way that my sphincter is a poet.