
... because Dune knows it’s not a good thing.

It was that bad.  How could it have been any worse, actually?  

You: “Alexa, don’t listen for X minutes”

all of this public mourning for a canine life that was purposefully sacrificed by its owner, made to attack a basically unarmed man who was surrounded by cops”

Can’t we just agree that both films were disappointing clustfucks of bad film making?

Worst movie? Not for me. Most disappointing? Yes - easily the worst of the decade since it shat all over TLJ.

SW:TROS in the worst list

I mean both Thor's mother and Stark's father are driving forces for the characters pathos and are instructive to their mindset/emotions in the movie but go off I guess

I came here to say this. One fucking day after it airs god forbid I can’t watch it immediately. You talk about an incredible twist and then you put that fucking image as the header? You couldn’t keep it REMOTELY fucking generic? Hell, I would’ve rathered a picture of Dr. Manhattan then I could’ve at least GUESSED. I

You know when I knew? When this fucking website posted an article talking about the massive twist in this week’s episode with a picture of... Cal. A few minutes into the episode and boom, I already know.

I mean, I was like 90% sure Tom Holland had managed to leak it. It don’t even know how.

Theaters are about a shared community experience. While there are those who would rather be alone, the audience response reinforces the enjoyment of the picture. Extreme case: The Rocky Horror Picture Show. And there’s the aspect of getting out of an all-too-familiar environment for a few hours. Some people like that

I wouldn’t go blaming streaming and Netflix for the failure of independent theaters and the struggles even the chains are having. Those problems have been on going for longer than streaming has been a thing. Fuck it was a major topic back when I was in college and Netflix had just launched as the DVD by mail service.


I get to write about video games for a living, have cheap rent (thanks Kansas!) but also have fast internet because I live near Kansas City.

I don’t get this idea that a 30 hour experience isn’t worth $60 when people regularly spend $20 on a 2 hour movie.

Logan outside the top five and the best MCU film in The Winter Soldier only at honourable mention. Ya... I’ll stick with I respectfully disagree with a large amount of this list. But hey, subjective  exercise is subjective. 

you must be in a state of denial. These fucksticks fumbled the story, pacing, characters/development, dialogue, unresolved plot lines... etc. without the books to go off of, these two are talentless hacks who managed to fail upward. Aren’t these the same two assholes that thought making a show about the south winning

I think Bosa’s attitude had less to do with old college grudges than with the well known fact he just hates the browns. 

Thanks, if I get a million stars I'll... I dunno... Submit it as my application to write R&M - with my ability to write dialogue that sounds hastily ad-libbed will get me a job on that show... Or... I dunno... The next Thor movie ;)