
If only more books had been released in a timely manner that had made her presence inescapable for a television production. But whoever could have made such a thing happen?

Cant speak for the others, but team viewer is fantastic. I set it up on my relative’s PCs so I don’t have to make housecalls when they invariably fuck something simple up anymore. The fact that I can use it on my iphone/ipad is a nice bonus as well.

To be fair, anonymous death threats sent over the internet bridge the political divide. Virtually anyone (but especially a woman) expressing their beliefs opens themselves up to a mountain of death threats (and in the case of women, rape threats, too). For all we know, it’s the same collection of angry souls

Alan Moore said that Veidt was the sort of person who saw the world as a gigantic support system for his wealth and power (hence his motivation to prevent WWIII) so I find the notion of him “seeing the light” to be utterly ridiculous.

God, I was so relieved when her parentage was revealed in Jedi. I was dreading the whole lead-up to the inevitable reveal, because any possible narrative tying her into the original trilogy would feel so contrived and watery. Both the reveal and Kylo’s casually cruel delivery of it was one of the most satisfying parts

Was there a clear view and a planned arc in the OT that made it through to the end?

On my phone, the “Paired Bluetooth Devices” only listed the paired devices. I just went directly to “Default music speaker” where I found the option to pair new BT devices.

Question: do both people need an active PS+ subscription or does only the “host” need an active sub or do neither people need an active sub?

If I had to guess, it’d be the second one, but I’m having trouble finding out on my own.


Holy fuck man, you have been bitching about this for months. Also, it has been explained.

Don’t get me wrong, I loved The Last Jedi. One of the best Star Wars movies. But bombers in space (among many other things) made no sense to me.

The Prequels— not like the old ones enough!

That show, when it was still on Fri. night, was a great way to wrap the week.

Experience has taught me to assume incompetence before malevolence.

I’ve noticed more and more people using “shit” as an adjective instead of a noun, i.e., “this is shit pizza.” This is fucking stupid and wrong. How do I know that this person isn’t actually eating shit pizza? The phrase should be, “this is shitty pizza.” Why are people doing this? People need to stop doing this.

You are. It’s a deeply moving movie and has he most intelligent discussion of language ive come across in film.

Boss makes a dollar while I make a dime, that’s why I poop on company time.

As a Pats fan, I really wanted both of these to look dicey on replay. As a human being with functioning eyes and brain, both of them were unquestionably catches. The broadcasting crew seemed to want to create drama, but (and this is especially true with the Ertz play), those plays resulted in catches by any measure.

This shit is colder than Minnesota

I’ve never wanted Bitcoin to crash until this very moment.