Button is a rare drop and costs 150$ in loot boxes ;p
Button is a rare drop and costs 150$ in loot boxes ;p
I know Boston takes a lot of shit for this in general, and deservedly so, but I refuse to believe this never happens in other cities.
Wow, this guy just can’t stop killing people.
I’m the same way. I bought the $100 version thinking it would help me get out of bed every morning, having to go over and turn the thing off. Nope. I turn it off just like I do my other alarm and climb back in bed. I sometimes leave the light on so once my snooze hits in 5-10 min I’ll be more “awake”. I like the…
I’m the same way. I bought the $100 version thinking it would help me get out of bed every morning, having to go…
That all of the hard work and efforts you made in the first game didn’t matter.
Just so we’re clear, you’re complaining about having to put 100 hours into a game that you openly claim you tend to put multiple hundreds or even thousands of hours into in other entries (unless I misread what you meant by that).
Don’t worry. The day a woman joins the NHL, Crosby will hit her in the tits and cunt.
The measurement thing looks like a penis. I can’t be the only one thinking so. Oh Japan!
Real friends would have backed him up and not thrown him to the wolves like they did. Keep eating yourselves you fools.
What an upstanding member of his community. You can see it in how he continues to attack a man who is obviously not fighting back.
Kinda like President John F. Kennedy who took multiple shots to the head, none of which came from famed Israeli marksman Lee Harvey Moskowitz, then went on to fame and corruption charges wearing a series of LBJ and Nixon masks.
I’ll say it again. Its bonkers this isn’t on Kotakus top 10 Xbox1 games for forge mode alone.
That’s because demanding a single player campaign of a multiplayer focused game is nonsense. Titanfall 2 fell for that shit and gave’em what they wanted, right? Didn’t help one bit.
This will likely have a huge impact on dozens of shoppers.
Why do you insist on pushing political agenda on a gaming/manga site? I love kotaku and read it my whole life but this is putting me off recently.
Please. Antoine Walker got 4 quarters in two minutes riding the T.