Yeah man! ‘AJR BloodEyed’
Yeah man! ‘AJR BloodEyed’
I finally converted my gaming pal to Apex from Overwatch. It’s all he wants to play when we’re online and I don’t know how to get over the intermediate learning curve I was stuck on with the game for months. SO this weekend will be watching a lot of the best Apex players, learning what they’re doing, and trying to…
It’s absolutely going to pivot into dystopic themes/be set in the future at some point and I’m here for it.
Jingoistic Bastards Think They Can Just Do Whatever They Want
Jesus Christ, McKenna. Bewitching and important reporting.
Culturally and historically, in the ephemeral sense? Motherfuggin Asterisk! Sorry! Them’s the breaks!
Stellar and nuanced recap, Brian. Thank you!
Nah, Crashing is great. You just have to remember that it was her first run and she didn’t have the confidence of voice she’s grown into so, so well.
Oh my god, I’m looking for another car and live in Sarasota. You may be a gift from Mana!
Rivals of Aether!!!! I came so close to buying when it was on sale last week and trusted the Xbox Process! Woot!!
This Isn’t For Us!
Pro Tip! I run eCommerce for a big presence on sites like Home Depot, Lowes, Walmart, etc. One of my lazy-ass directors was so desperate to get us into that he agreed to their onerous terms instead of just leaving the deal. We take a hit (as in a verified loss) on all orders and after a ton of…
There are...too many white women on this site, my god.
I, also, love Fridays at work
This is probably my least-favorite month so far for the program. Definitely going to pick up Dead by Daylight (and have played/liked Superhot) but nothing else really stands out.
The family claims that ‘two people’ (NOTE: at least three witnesses have come forward to corroborate) have it ‘out for Eddie’ and are lying to put him in prison.
I just. The delusion!!
A sincere thank you for this tip. I will tell more people to do this.
‘Genetic Advantage’ you scream, hoarsely.
Michael Phelps was built by God/Genetics to be the best swimmer, and I mean this literally, ever.