
This was when predictive text had been a thing for a while, and me and my brothers were trying to get my dad to use it as it was so painful to watch his slow texting. He acquiesces, sort of, but one day storms intoy room shouting that “the phone won’t write what I tell it to write”. I go “oh let me show you...” and

This isn’t exactly ‘grim’ but basically this is what hubby and I text each other every day when we’re in different parts of the house:

I understand all of the words in the Kim Kardashian story, just not necessarily in that order. I.....what....huh?

How does one person eat $60 worth of food at Ruby Tuesday’s? That’s like four entrees and two appetizers.

When it comes to journalism thats the nature of the beast. This interview is a snippet of our entire conversation. It would be impossible for journalists to post every bit of every interview (or in this case to post a verbatim transcript of the entire class we were teaching). I think Mark did an excellent job

“I’m not into shaming people and shutting them down because they found 50 piqued their interest— if it got you hot great, now let’s learn the facts.”

I would kill for a drunken handjob right now

This is a form of extreme psychological edgeplay that is not everyone’s cup of tea and that most casual kinksters don’t practice. Getting into BDSM theory you have SSC— safe, sane and consensual, which is what most people associate with BDSM. You also have RACK (Risk Aware Consensual Kink) and PRICK (Personal

My thoughts on Littlefinger/Sansa - Dude is not this dumb. He surely, surely knows that Ramsey “Bobby Flay” Bolton is _not_ some sweet, love-struck kid Sansa can wrap around her finger.

If you’re using your sex activities to make a social standards statement, you’re doing it wrong.

As a I replied to the alarmist poster, I could definitely see a kid having no clue that toilet flushing is bad for fish. Fish live in water, toilet has water. She might have figured she was sending them off to live in the river or something. My kid definitely would have thought that was okay at 4, and she’s no psycho.

It doesn’t seem like it’s without misogyny. They stalk and assault the other woman who her boyfriend is two-timing with, not her boyfriend? (Doing that isn’t even revenge...)

Oh com'on. This is the best you're gonna get from a Pope. The church is never going to accept abortion, it goes against the tenants of the religion.

I recently read Ruth Reichl's memoir about when she was the restaurant critic for the New York Times decades ago, and would wear disguises and shit so she got the "standard" treatment, rather than the restaurant recognizing her and pulling all the stops out. There was one restaurant she wrote about in particular where

As a friend of mine sometimes says, “Jesus loves you. The rest of us think you’re an asshole.”

Once, an 8-top of Christians left one of those “Here’s a Tip for You!” pamphlets on my table, in lieu of a cash tip. I was sort of used to this, so I didn’t remark much, just tossed it into the bus tub with the rest of the debris, and a glower.

I’m pretty sure that’s just “any pizza place with online ordering”

It figures that the living embodiment of ‘cocaine logic’ would be really into mirrors.

I "love it" when "people" use scare quotes around words like "she" and "him" when talking about trans issues.

If you understood how hard it is for us to date, how difficult it is for us to find someone, especially in terms of support group dynamics, you might not so be quick to suggest this isn't noteworthy.