It’s a 70 Series converted for safari use. The 70 is really the only LC variant you see out there.
It should be noted this is a replica. Not sure which manufacturer it is though. It’s not a Factory Five or a Superformance (the proportions are better on this one), but it’s certainly not an original.
Mulsanne’s Corner had a more in-depth look at the aero of the cars back then and why they were so lift-prone. It really explains why the closed cockpit LMGTP cars were so much more likely to do this than the open cockpit LMPs.
And BMW two years later
Spoiler: decreases lift
Definitely taking down Keener
Visually? Absolutely.
Yeah, they really messed that deal up.
*cough* Go Like Hell *cough*
Louder for the people in the back!
It literally says 3.9L V12 in the image.
Opaque - can’t see through