The Shitposter Formerly Known As Blondude

The P132 is the original Gandini design for the Diablo. You can really see the Cizeta in it.

Say what you want about how long in the tooth the GT-R is getting, but that stripe package is awesome.

I want this as a crate engine.


It’s a 70 Series converted for safari use. The 70 is really the only LC variant you see out there.

I visited Kenya a couple years ago and I absolutely adored the matatus.

It should be noted this is a replica. Not sure which manufacturer it is though. It’s not a Factory Five or a Superformance (the proportions are better on this one), but it’s certainly not an original.

Mulsanne’s Corner had a more in-depth look at the aero of the cars back then and why they were so lift-prone. It really explains why the closed cockpit LMGTP cars were so much more likely to do this than the open cockpit LMPs.

Spoiler: decreases lift

Definitely taking down Keener

Visually? Absolutely.

Yeah, they really messed that deal up.

*cough* Go Like Hell *cough*

Louder for the people in the back!

It literally says 3.9L V12 in the image.

It happened a lot earlier than that.

This literally looks like the photo I’d see in a car mag of some new Sbarro concept in 1999.

Opaque - can’t see through