The Shitposter Formerly Known As Blondude

The F50 is best Ferrari of the last 50 years, change my mind.

Now playing

Needs more kaido racer with the Godfather theme

Talking about Volk GTCs on a MKIV Supra and don’t even mention the Top Secret 0-300 Supra? Disgraceful.

Yup. Ended production in 1988 so any year is eligible.

Okay yeah but this thing is awesome

Making my goddamn eyes water

So how much did Turner Motorsport pay to be in this?

The only potential reason for that that I can think of is the little plastic fender flares (if you can even consider them that) on the H1.

INB4 Mercedes seizes it and has it crushed.

Oh god there’s more than one Jeep with a semi grille now

Oh dang I didn’t recognize it with the dark paint and the ducktail.

God lord what is that!?

Oooh baby that Group 4 308

Yeah but those fender flares are perfect

Okay but why aren’t we talking about the PSP mounted in the steering wheel of that RX-7?

I get where there going, but that front splitter needs to be way deeper and the wing needs to be chunkier and set further back.

That’s not a name I’ve heard in a long, long time.

All I’m seeing is a Alfa GTA with notchback Mustang styling and I’m loving it.