The Shitposter Formerly Known As Blondude

There’s no way Freddy would take that pile of shit back.

Dat 60 Series

*sharp inhale*

Or weigh 3000 lbs...

Hey Raph, why do I get so much joy out of seeing you scared shitless?

Pretty sure the 1955 24 Hours of Le Mans is what happens when your brakes work better than everybody else’s.

The BPR Global GT Series was the coolest racing series ever. The cars that raced were fucking nuts. Look at that grid. Some of the most desirable cars ever built raced there.

When did people start calling anything lowered stanced? This seems like a rather recent phenomenon.

Pretty sure that’s a cut up Ram bed that’s being used as a stand-in for the time being.

Probably not, but I just checked her Twitter and she goes by “Jessi Lang, PhD” there. I’m judging.

Now playing

Sometimes these things can go poorly though.

That’s Rusty Slammington, Mike Burrough’s (Editor in Cheif of Stanceworks) personal 5 series. It started out as simply a lowered E28, but eventually got striped of paint and later had the top chopped. Then it burned to a crisp in a garage fire and was rebuilt as a sort of Group 5 racing homage.

Ooh, it’s like a homemade Kommandeurwagen.

A calm and level-headed comment about stance on Jalopnik? It can’t be!

It’s real.

They only care if you mess with the badging. That’s why they got all pissy over deadmau5's 458.

Stanced Baja is good, stanced Baja Bug is better.

Don’t think I didn’t see you change your comment!