Three things:
Three things:
At the time, Evans told the newspaper: “If you get your willy out, it’s the funniest thing in the world. Everybody laughs, everyone of our generation. I wouldn’t do it in front of my mum, for example. Girls love it; boys -‘Oh, I can’t believe you did that’. It also takes the night to a new level. I actually haven’t…
Not copyright, it’s just a million times more entertaining.
Damn, I never would’ve thought light blue would work so well on a Continental.
Nah, just Ballaban trying to recreate the greatest Jalopnik post ever.
It’s a comparison because you can go out to a dealer and buy either. Plus the H2R wasn’t even designed with top speed in mind, whereas the Veyron was designed solely to go as fast a possible. You could compare it to something like a P1 GTR or Aston Martin Vulcan, but those weren’t designed with top speed in mind…
The production Veyron SS is limited to 258, but it’ll hit 267 with the limiter removed. The Veyron SS takes about two miles to get to its top speed whereas the bike did it in about a mile. Putting them head-to-head would result in the bike screaming ahead and then cruising at a leisurely 250 mph for a couple of…
This thing would absolutely destroy a Veyron.
This car is fear-boner in vehicle form.
For now...
There isn’t a whole lot of straightaways on hill climbs so the cars tend to be built to go really fast up switchbacks without exceeding ~140 mph. They would be crazy fast through the winding sections of track, but they would get crushed on those parts where he was redlining 6th at 180 mph.
Fuck. Yes.
Did you watch the onboard? There’s no way any open-wheeled car could survive some of those jumps.
... from a production based (that means stock block and heads) 2.0- liter turbocharged boxer four cylinder engine out of the STi.
Gotta go fast
Yes, it’s very much a thing. It’s also quite possibly the most Minnesota sport ever created even though it’s illegal here.