The Shitposter Formerly Known As Blondude

Le Mans grime is a badge of honor if anything.


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Someone is streaming the Eurosport stream on YouTube.

There was a lot of white smoke and a horrible grinding noise on the onboard when he went off, so I’m gonna say it was a mechanical failure.

But that’s a nice Italian thing with big Italian engines.

Whooo Lemonparty!

Well fuck you too.


In that sense, they’re sort of like Donk culture, which is self-aware enough to know that most people are baffled by what they do, and they delight in that.

INB4 people shit on drifting for no discernible reason.

Yeah, that would make sense.

We’re already getting several GT cars (including a pair of V8 Supercars), so I wouldn’t put it out of the question.

The overall wins only tell part of the story.

Those STCC cars are so damn cool.

The forums are already on it.

Glad to see that’s an actual city we can drive in and not just a backdrop just beyond the maps’ borders. Now to wait and see if we finally get stoplights...

Disappointed that wingsuit flier didn’t turn into a fine mist when he slammed into that rock face.

If you will only buy a game if it has split screen you might as well sell your Xbox.