*Rolled down a sand dune in the Middle East
*Rolled down a sand dune in the Middle East
Reading that last one I said to myself, “Torch, you realize you just designed a Tucker Sno-Cat, right?
Well yeah, sliding in the rain with the proper gear isn’t really going to hurt unless you slide into something. You can do the same thing on dry asphalt without gear too, you’ll just be looking at exposed bone when you stop.
I don’t think it’s intentional, but I doubt they’ll stop doing it. It can be hard to communicate every post every writer is working on, plus double the clicks = double the ad revenue.
There it is.
Welcome to 7 months ago.
It’s pretty much the norm here that if a writer leaves on their own accord they get a sendoff or at least a mention. If a writer gets fired they become an unperson.
Meh, it’s a Hilux. It’ll be fine.
I hope that buggy is a placeholder because it looks super out of place.
Shes still around. She got a new job recently and has been busy.
Tavarish is cool.
Nobody knows, but it’s not here anymore.
I don’t know man, it might be.
Torch, Raph, and Oppo are the only reasons I’m still here.
RIP Lanesplitter