Did he actually do that joke in one of his appearances or is this a new thing where we throw up a screencap of Jebidiah and then say something mean about a movie in his style? Because if it's the latter I am ON BOARD.
Did he actually do that joke in one of his appearances or is this a new thing where we throw up a screencap of Jebidiah and then say something mean about a movie in his style? Because if it's the latter I am ON BOARD.
Well yeah, and Kate looks almost evil and the damn prince could look a lot less bald if the shot wasn;t the top of his fucking head. When I assumed that someone POSED these people I thought it was atrocious. Now I just think that it is a really bad cover shot. That pic should take up no more than a quarter of the…
That photo is ATROCIOUS! Are all Vanity Fair covers that bad?
Huh. "Most Eligible Infant". That's... creepy as fuck. Right? Not just me?
My goodness, that child has an extremely self-possessed look about him. My bet is that nothing surprises him. Would love to see him with the Corgis. :-)
Why the unnecessary dig on Cleveland?
At this point I find it more shocking that these "fans" don't own copies of various legality.
This is really funny. Without knowing that TNT was doing LOTR marathon, my wife and I bought the trilogy (in Blu Ray of course) Sunday morning and finished up last night around Midnight. I can't imagine why you'd want to experience such an epic tale that's already 9.5 hours long by interrupting it with commercials and…
You guys Snap Judgement on NPR is doing a show tonight full of spooky ghost stories and I am getting totally entertained and creeped out all by myself in my apartment right now! I kind of love spooky stories. http://snapjudgment.org
My mama's a poet. She's been writing for the past 30 years. Her seventh book is coming out this fall. Her poems are good. (Admittedly I'm not an impartial critic.) And guess what? This book of Franco's LiveJournal entries is going to get more publicity and a bigger audience than anything my mommy ever wrote. Poor Mom!
Why, WHY, are there still people on this planet who would fuck this utter utter douche nugget?
I think you are trying to ascribe a narrative to some random shit that some old lady talks at strangers. She sounds like she's on a fistful of pills to me... that woman has no clue what she is saying.
I'm sorry. I also wish I could post weird sex things and cute animals all day, but breaking news is breaking news.
Seriously. It would be scary if it happened to you, not because of the haunting aspect, but because it would remind you of the circumstances of your girlfriend's death. But real life is so much scarier than ghosts and monsters. Elliot Rodger. Hundreds of kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls. People accidentally leaving…
Lol. I know right?! Its like why do poor people even bother being poor when they could be rich? Sooooo stupid...
Ah, sales.