
right?? in a world where we can't say any damn thing in a reference call except that person x worked here from date y to date z for fear of lawsuits, how can this possibly be legally defensible? i mean if the app only let you rate women, then scotus would gladly protect the employer from reprisal, but there's no

Eurghh.. I know some people love tattoos and that is fine for them but I really do think they look awful. My eldest daughter is already speaking about getting some and I am dreading it.

Honestly, I feel terrible for the guy. Can you imagine being shunned by your family for gaining a few pounds? His body is his business and you have to be a pretty heartless monster to be embarrassed of your sibling because they're overweight.

Dear American right-wing, The 1950s sucked unless you were a straight white Protestant male of at least the upper-middle class. No one outside that demographic is wanting to go back to that time period. Let it go.

"When academic departments aim to produce action, the integrity of an entire academic discipline is compromised."

Please, E! I didn't need that fancy Photoshop to make my mad scientist dreams a reality.

I would pay GOOD money for a calendar of these boys holding their cats.


Cannot get enough of this guy!

Greek God Panagiotis Kone

This is the only World Cup coverage I care about.

Sergio Ramos total swooonnnnn

BRB....moving to Spain.

My grandmother worked for Lane Bryant in the late 1920's! She said she put the clothes orders together. She lived to be 104 (she passed away last year) and she loved telling stories about going to work in "New York" when she was younger. She lived in Brooklyn at the time.

What everyone else wants to read into my comment is none of my concern. I don't wish to explore what I think her punishment should be because I am hardly qualified to do so.

Right. You're not saying (maybe you think this, but you're not saying it and people seem to be reading it into your comment) that she shouldn't have been prosecuted or that she shouldn't go to jail.

I know this, I can read, I just think it's an intense punishment. You are reading way too much in to my comment.

Jesus everyone, I said it was intense. I am not here to argue what her punishment should be.

Still doesn't stop being sentenced to prison for LIFE from being intense. She did cause this to happen but it was HARDLY her intent in any way shape or fashion.