Back in the 1990's, for about 1 week I spent about 6 months in northern Kentucky for work. Relatively speaking, Cincinnati was Venice.
Paula Harper-Adams lost her cat Shelby 13 years ago. She had given up the cat as gone forever, but Shelby had…
So true. I remember once grabbing my bag, diaper bag and keys but leaving my toddler on the sofa when I was supposed to be taking him to the babysitter. I got to the landing and realized "Fuck! I forgot the baby!" He was sitting there in his coat.
Sanctimonious bitch is too busy being sanctimonious to listen.
Tell it to the neuroscientists. "The wealthy do, it turns out. And the poor, and the middle class. Parents of all ages and ethnicities do it. Mothers are just as likely to do it as fathers. It happens to the chronically absent-minded and to the fanatically organized, to the college-educated and to the marginally…
He probably did think about the baby. He probably thought about the baby being at daycare.
Yep. I'm willing to bet he wasn't the parent who usually dropped the child off at daycare. The brain is wired to be on autopilot for routine tasks. It's so easy to forget that your routine has changed.
Agreed. A lot of people may delude themselves into thinking they could never do something like this. But in reality, almost anyone could.
I can't imagine the unbearable pain the father is in. Unfortunately, its not something that happens due to negligence, it's more due to how our brains can go into "autopilot" and forget seemingly important things. I wish we could figure out a fool proof way to stop it from happening, some sort of censor that might…
Yeah....this pretty much shows every comment section on the internet.
A: I love [Article topic]
B: I hate [Article topic]
A: You are wrong and stupid and I hate you
C: go to hell you racist/liberal/tea-partier!
Reading this gave me the uncontrollable giggles. You know, the kind where you can't laugh because you're in a place of solemnity (work in my case), and the absurdity of it only makes everything hysterical... most excellent.
I can also wear my skinny jeans. They are a size 12 but you know, I put them on my legs and away I go!
You sound charming.
This is Octavia. She is a kitten. She likes to wave her paws in the air like she just don't care. And it is ADORABLE.