I do nominate this gem (seen on Hideous Wedding Dresses) worn by someone named Lady Mary Charteris. But I don't think it's the ugliest ever.
I think what execs, men especially, often fail to understand is that sexy is not always determined by good looks and good actors overcome that all the time. But David Tennnant is actually pretty attractive in a conventional sense so I don't know what they were thinking there.
I highly recommend this video of our dog kimble for the next animals do funny silly things post.
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What, you think that women are relaxing on those seats? We're all some degree of tensed-up, so as to minimize hip spread.
Waaait. In what world do men even think twice about readjusting their jewels in public? On this world, they do it every day— and the women who witness it never even blink. So, clearly, it can't be a politeness thing. Haul 'em up out of your way as needed, then close your legs like a gentleman.
I had this discussion with my husband, where we tested how close his knees could get before squishing his.... stuff. I told him to start from "splayed" and slowly bring his knees together and tell me when things get "uncomfortable." After going essentially to <90 degrees, he told me it was getting uncomfortable - when…
I've seen really fat people who sit with their legs closer together then most skinny guys do. "Just falling that way" is not part of the problem. I think it's ego tbh.
Sorry but miss me with that one. You don't have to sit with your legs shut to the point that your in "pain" . The main point here is sitting with your legs within a good amount of your own personal space without affecting the space of others or space that could be used by others on public transportation. Courtesy…