
24! Wow! My kitty is 16 1/2, and I'm starting to deal with the grooming issue. She still grooms, I think their little tongue barbs just wear down and don't clean as effectively. She's got much shorter hair than your girl, which is lucky, but she's had bad teeth for years (I think it was somewhat genetic - she lost a

And I thought Menush was an ancient cat at the end. She got to legal drinking age (21)! Here's hoping the rest of our gang get to be that old (and grumpy).

Dear God: I know my baby kitties are awesome, and that heaven would be a much better place if they were hanging out there, pooping on your heavenly carpets and chasing all the beams of light you have up there, but if you let both of them live to be at least 24 (although 38 would be better), I'll never take your name

To add to your comment, I'm pretty sure I read—or maybe I made it up, I don't know—that the Quiverfull movement (cult), and ones like it, fear minorities and heathens, and this is their way of repopulating the world with more white people who will "fight for God." Because, you know, America is running out of white

It already kind of is. This has been around forever:

OMG, these people are fucking insane. A VAGINA IS NOT A CLOWN CAR - give it a rest already you stupid bitch, and your collaborator, too.

Now playing

Towards the end he does Kermit the frog, and then he dances. But the whole thing is hilarious.

I have been waiting for this post just so I can gush over this entire getup Blake has going on. The shoes, the dress, the hair, the makeup, the EARRINGS (they're so amazing up close). She nails it IMO. I think if the hair had been in more of a classic updo it would have looked less unique. It was my favorite look of

Ugh, I'll let you watch this one and let us know how it is because while I too like Gillan and Cho, this just sounds like tired-as-fuck terible writing.

Ermm, yeah, cue the sound of The Point whooshing over many heads at once...

Thank you x1 million for this, Phoenix. Its been a rough few months for me - despite my efforts, I have gained a fair amount of weight so far in this, my first pregnancy. All the body acceptance I thought I had went out the window as my body has become almost unrecognizable. I quit running at the beginning of this

Lieutenant Dangle is with you on that one.

Want me to not wear my shorts at capri-length? Fine, I won't. Always thought it was stupid anyway, why wear shorts if they're not short?

I know Jez is not usually a safe space for lax bros yet I present to you this rebuttal:

Cyclist here so my legs look like this:

I concur.
For your consideration-

I love clay season.

My wife agrees with Wendy Malick's charaacter in "Just Shoot Me", any number of years ago, that "long baggy shorts ruined basketball for me".