
In the interest of not arguing over whether or not SSM is a cult or not a cult, I think it’s more important to address the logistics of this scenario as the semantics will just turn into a squabble, really. Like The View and this is Jezebel so let’s not View it up, yo! I’m sorry - that was a stupid joke. Ok so there’s

Anika! This feels like an amazing testament to your experience. How refreshing after hearing all this sensationalist voyeuristic garbage from 99% of the commenters.

I got an email from Anika Reitman, another former SSM member who disputes some of the claims made by the women I spoke to for this piece. She’s given me permission to print her email — I have edited it lightly but here it is more or less in full.

A bunch, actually.

You sound like someone who left SSM and went nutsy cuckoo.

Talk about editing... How about this article, eh?

I think you confused my response with Anna’s article. Double check which incoherent ramble you were reading, and get back to me.

The key here is to “casually see yourself to the door” and not to be stalking and haranguing the people who are still members. It’s annoying when a person who is clearly disturbed tries to get you to believe you’re in a cult when you are happy with where you are and benefiting. Unfortunately, some of the women who are

I’m in SSM and I wouldn’t answer yes to any of these questions. Looks like we’ve cracked the case! Thanks so much!

Honestly, you sound like every other person talking smack on here. ‘Cults, cults! You’re in a cult. I know so much about cults.’ Get over yourself.

This is seriously crazy. Just so you know.

I was under the impression that credible journalists hold a none biased position? Way to write a well-balanced article Anna!

Yeah, because they’re so innocent and haven’t criticized a thing? I think you’re being brain washed. Just sayin’.

This piece was painful to read. Not surprised. Doesn’t seem like Anna had much of an editor. Lot of ranting going on here from naysayers in the comments, but did anyone even notice that only two of the women who Anna got her “info” from were willing to give their names. I mean come on. Where is the courage in that? If

People should know the truth that this handful of disgruntled ex members (who by the way have never actually left SSM because clearly they are still obsessed with it) are not telling the whole story, but only the parts that would bolster how bad they feel about themselves and all the while blaming others for THEIR

As a Super Hottie in International Hot School Radio I can say that this is definitely a CULT which is the root word of CULTURE! HELLO PEOPLE?!?! Are you all idiots?! Are we seriously still afraid of Kool-Aid and shit?

I’d have to be homeless to have $800/month for this. I wonder where struggling actresses get the money.

It’s weird that this is being seen as a spiritual organization instead of a subscription based coaching business.

I am a current member of Superstar Machine and Hot School and damn proud of it! Both of these collectives have helped me invaluably and continue to change my life in the most amazing ways and the results are tangible! I could write a book and probably will at some point;) The women that are saying SSM is a cult are

I know only what I just read about this group, so I’m not defending them. But what, do people have to be poor to be spiritual? That’s totally not true IMO. What’s wrong with wanting to have money? If anything I think being strong spiritually can lead people to be more successful.