
OMG are you kidding? This is a support group for women. That’s all it is. There’s no salacious sex here, although I know that’s what you’re dying to hear.

Whoa, this is so hateful, Xena. Is this your idea of feminism? Tearing down women who are defending something they believe in to a pack of wolves? Not sure Xena warrior princess would approve.

Everyone responding to this article is engaging in groupthink right now. It’s literally how everything in America works. Bonding over common beliefs and interests, and paying for goods and services. So, it looks like you’re in a cult too.

As a current member of Superstar Machine it saddens me to read this and see a woman whom I used to be close with attack something that she knows means a lot to all the women still here. When Katie A left she only contacted me to suggest I leave also. She never shared her experience with me, only sent aggressive