
When you are talking about a *person* being violated, as opposed to some sort of understanding in a routine commercial transaction, it is generally understood to be much more serious than unadvertised DRM in a refundable purchase.

I feel violated

This show is still on? The last time I saw it I was rooting for the zombies.

Wait... are you saying that the owner of the grocery store has sentimental value to the can of peas someone is stealing?

I don’t like how the word cancer is now so widely used in the same way cringe is. Cancer killed some of my family, comparing it to hiding in the blue in in PUBG or our overwatch team’s comp gets under my skin just a little bit. Just saying.


And in the fine tradition of lesbian representation in media, they are both ultimately dead by the end of it....

AoT is far from perfect. Its main character is even more one note than your typical shounen protagonist, and characters often fail to ask obvious questions the viewer would ask, or take actions the viewer would take. The characters development overall is glacial.

...Chloe’s new voice actress.

He was clearly talking like a generic chav, but interesting that your mind went to “black person”.

how else are the people going to learn about gta vi

What really gets me is that he tries to claim that he “Didn’t realize the magnitude of the tragedy”. The start of his joke is “MULTIPLE CONFIRMED FATALITIES at Manchester Arena”.

You can’t accidentally hit the slider against something and then be annoyed for a second until you turn it off.

I have a 3DS, and I play it exclusively with the 3D function turned off. It makes me feel nauseous if I leave it on. I can’t really stand 3D in movies either.
Happy that they’re moving away from it.

Oh wow, I actually dig this. I’d love a way to check out the 3DS library, but I don’t want or need that “3d” functionality and the 2DS looks like a kid’s toy. This seems like a great way to dig into all those cartridge and Virtual Console games. $150 is pretty reasonable, too.

This could sell really well. The only reason i went for the 3ds over the 2ds is because of the folding. Also I’m guessing this means even Nintendo is phasing out of the 3D hype.

It doesn’t “only” refer to law enforcement. But it implies a power structure that is absent in this situation.

This sounds less like censorship and more like a translator taking liberties that he happens to find funny. And then getting upset when other people didn’t agree with him.

No, coke is a dialect term for a sweetened carbonated beverage, and it’s not confusing where people are accustomed to using it. You find it confusing because it’s not your dialect, but that doesn’t mean you get to tell people of other dialects how to speak.