
This, ladies and gentlemen, is what happens when you raise a generation to believe that there are no bad ideas and that everyone’s opinion should be considered.

“The good thing about science is that it’s true whether or not you believe in it.” Neil deGrasse Tyson

I’ve had this nagging feeling since these latest pictures came out that I’ve seen them years and years ago. I finally found out where.

I really like what you said here. Two points specifically:

I hate comments like “You guys are slow” or “You guys suck”, as if they were in any way constructive. If there’s something someone thinks the team should be doing, then communicating that is only a ping away.

I had somebody in a game that was being helpful to an extreme. Like an ultra extreme. He’d ping everything, and just in case, would also type out advisements in chat, all while being a boss on Zeratul.

I was really hating my job until I read about the poor woman who has to charge a 10 year olds cell phone to exactly 99%.

Had a bunch of these as a kid. Thrilled the market on them crashed, cause it further justifies me taking them out of the packaging and actually playing with them.

Finally you understand, you just need to wake up now. You’ve been in there for the seven months. You think you’re just living you normal life but in game you landed on a planet similiar to ours, with people procedurally generated to look like us. You started living in the game, getting a job and starting a new life

That would be just their type, eh? Making that point! Fortunately their ranting doesn’t carry a lot of weight with me.

Please tell me they paid some consulting firm $370,000 to design this, and the finished product was presented in a sixty page report that consisted of at least 75% meaningless jargon and buzzwords.

You know, I have a secret burning passion for fonts, but I never persued it because honestly all you font people seem like gigantic assholes.
“Dated?” Really? I bet someone got paid an insane sum to change the font on the logo.

Stop giving these people your money. Stop preordering. Stop paying for broken games. Stop the belief that “It’s good enough.” is accecptable. No one expects perfection, but this is some grade A bullshit.

Why not represent all countries in white, to make it even more unclear?

Idea for a new hanger item.

Which I agree is probably very wise (even in the face of today’s market performance).

In Doom’s justice system the people are represented by two separate, but equally important groups. The Thors, who investigate crime, and the Thors, who dole out divine justice.

That sounds like a whole lot of effort for an image that everyone is going to look and once, and then change immediately.

Do... do you think he needs to fix it right meow?

If you don’t need a dedicated graphics card, get a Surface Pro 3. Ships with a fresh and clean install of Windows. No game playing by third parties. Built solid. Well supported.