
I wish this were so simple for replacing my hard drive. I cloned the old drive to the new one and restored a system image of the old drive to the new one, and now my PC grinds to a halt a minute or two after booting up, and won’t let me do a “refresh” of Windows.

I’m not saying that everyone is going to do the right thing. There are people who are willing to pay, and people who aren’t. The absolute best that any content creator can hope for is to capture the maximum amount of people who are willing to pay. Going after the people who aren’t willing to pay doesn’t make them pay

Yeah, but from a business perspective, that’s irrelevant. They want to maximize profits, consumers want simple and easy access to content and are willing to pay for it. Their response is to make content difficult to find/watch legally and to sue into oblivion anyone who tries to get around that. They’re addressing the

I can think of literally no other industry in which “having a monopoly” over a product that you manufacture is a problem. Are you saying that no individual or company which makes a product should be allowed to sell directly to consumers?

Hi there! I see you’ve replied to a comment of mine from 2011. While the comment’s form may have bordered on “asshole” territory (for which I have no defense), I still think it a bit odd that someone reading lifehacker might not know how to send a text message.

Beat me to it. Damn.

She’s had a lot of time to think of that stuff.

I assumed that the connection between Kilgrave and Luke was that they were both experimented on, and that Reva had the tape because Luke was on it. That makes the “coincidence” a lot less of a coincidence.

I guess Wave sort of lives on in Google Docs, but it just isn’t the same.

I actually liked Wave. Too bad no one else did :(

The rebels attacked it when it wasn’t in range of a planet the Empire wanted to destroy. Just because it didn’t get the chance to blow up planets doesn’t mean it couldn’t have.

Macs seem (to me) to be a growing market. The overwhelming majority of my classmates in school used macs, and a decent percentage of my company uses them now.

He uses a mirror, a piece of glass from the rocket he came in, and his heat vision. Not even kidding.

And he was losing his powers because his genetic code was imperfect! And Superman shows up and says “oh, thank goodness I’m here! This impostor also kidnapped the real Clark Kent and imprisoned him in carbonite!”

Never having to type in a password isn’t “useless” in my book, but I’ve never had a phone with a fingerprint scanner, so I don’t know how practical that is in reality.

Never having to type in a password isn’t “useless” in my book, but I’ve never had a phone with a fingerprint

Must be...

Have you found a phone that can do this? My Canon 6D struggled with that...

Apparently, Blizzard has said that the ranks given out after the placement matches was “conservative”. Playing and winning more should get you rising up back to your proper rank pretty quickly. I hadn’t played hero league before the reset, but since my placement matches I’ve gone from (If I recall correctly) Rank 48

I usually pat meat and chicken dry with a paper towel before seasoning liberally with salt and pepper, maybe that’s it?

Sorry, my question was directed at Harmon20, but your response to him actually made me realize that the reason I never have trouble with meat sticking to the pan might be because I always pat it dry before seasoning liberally.