
I picked up identical ones from Amazon the last time you guys posted a sale and they’re pretty awful. The sound is ludicrously bass-heavy, and most attempted phone calls end up with the other person saying they can’t hear me.

I picked up identical ones from Amazon the last time you guys posted a sale and they’re pretty awful. The sound is

Betterment will let you cash out (it doesn’t give you fine control over the individual investments in your portfolio) but they very strongly advise against trying to time the market.

I really have no idea how anyone could make a Superman game that would be fun unless they gave the player a truly enormous open world and created a system of consequences for collateral damage. No one wants a Superman game in which bullets can kill you (I’m looking at you, Superman 64), but I might be interested in a

Yeah, the Jewish Empire in Brooklyn is a far bigger threat/humanitarian crisis than anything going on in the Middle East.

That’s why I take 50-100 shots of my son every day. The only way to get better is to practice! My hard drive isn’t too pleased with it though.

You need a ChromeCast, my friend.

My wife and I don’t stick to this. We’ve been married almost 5 years (hey, it seems like a long time to us) and last year someone we met actually thought we were newlyweds. It’s possible that there’s more to a good relationship than just going out.

I suppose you can argue that assisted opening falls within a loophole in the law (it isn’t a gravity knife or a switchblade, but somewhere in between).

It’s a solid knife, but I actually returned mine. I found it a bit too heavy for my taste, and assisted openers are illegal in NYC.

I’d have to look into the topic more, but I’d think that you may be right if the hotword is unique. If the hotword is the same for every phone and the only identifying element is the speaker’s voice then there isn’t really a difference between a voiceprint and a fingerprint.

I usually overcook vegetables when I roast them. Some people call it burnt; I call it delicious.

Nah man, those are all "B" grade. This is "A".

Nah man, those are all "B" grade. This is "A".

The 5th Amendment doesn’t protect a fingerprint because it is identifying, not testimonial. I imagine that a voiceprint would be classified similarly.

Yeah, leave fun to the kids. Grown-ups are supposed to be dour and serious! Also, we can't eat Trix. Those are for kids.

Amazon says $20, but they're $29.99 in my cart all the way up to checkout. Am I missing something? I don't see a promo code listen anywhere...

Amazon says $20, but they're $29.99 in my cart all the way up to checkout. Am I missing something? I don't see a

YES. This is so, so good. But then, anything with fried onions in it is good.

Uh, broccoli is delicious. This would not work for me at all.

I so badly want to upgrade my graphics card, but will have to save up to get one that will last me for as long as my current one has (almost 5 years) :(

My first and only experience with Borderlands was watching a friend play for 5 minutes. During that entire time he was just pumping bullets into a single, unassuming looking enemy, and by the time I walked away he had still not killed that one enemy.

I thought this was going to be helpful for those of us who just eat way too much in one sitting for no reason other than boredom :(