
I think this is for people who want to stop binge eating. I don't know about you, but when I do that I'm ok with it.

That is NOT how the second verse goes of that song.

He's in the gadget-buying community, not the watch-buyers community. Easy on the insults bro.


Nah, Cyclops would be visibly crying if it were him.

Spongebob is not the hero we want... but he's the hero we deserve...

where are the feathers?

Would the Post-Pratt-Peak be known as a Pratt-Fall?

So, when do we reach peak Pratt? Every hero has to fall eventually, right?

If they don't get Kristen Bell as live action Anna...then they have failed the world.

Is this a thing Disney is doing now? Live-action versions of ALL their Disney Princess movies?

Over the hill at 40? Lol, take it you're still in your teens then - 40 seems a long way off huh?

I love this implication that anything you don't understand must be a waste of time.

I think that was the main problem, coming out of the narrative structure of all Trek. All we have to go on is that Kim is apparently a valued member of the crew and is present anytime a big thing happens. Sure, other folks might very well be doing the same off screen, but it is not made evident. So we have a person

Yeah, that's my biggest thing — this was Harry's first posting out of the Academy and he was immediately a bridge officer and part of Janeway's senior staff. Over the next seven years, he performed admirably at his job, as well as being in command of the ship during the night shift.

They definitely exist. I regularly see 100 watt replacements when I head to Home Depot for anything else.

It is if you sell millions of them.

I hope it has a very short range, otherwise the door would unlock if I was at my kitchen sink doing dishes.