
Oh, I'm just an idiot, my mistake re: your response.

I don't know why, but I can't read your response...

The biggest problem with this analysis is that it analyzes the lottery from the perspective of understanding that you probably won't win the jackpot. While the odds are certainly in favor of this being the case, a person who actually does win the jackpot certainly profits, whether it was a $40 million, whether he

I'm going to go with never.

I'm sure there are many who value their peace and quiet, but I've never experienced a flight that was either peaceful or quiet. It's hard for me to imagine that anyone thinks of air travel as their last resort for calming solitude. I can pop in headphones if someone wants to talk.

Someone else brought up a similar point earlier on. Obviously, my thoughts on the matter don't carry too much weight, but I think you're right. It's easy for me (particularly as a heterosexual), living in NYC, to forget that in many, many other places people actually care about what other people do.

That's the idea, but time will tell whether it plays out that way in practice. I'm not certain that law school is worth the money these days.

That's why my plan was to get a higher degree. The only problem is that there are too many lawyers, and jobs for those of us who are about to graduate law school are pretty hard to come by.

Sucks to be a student. Though I imagine that had I continued working instead of going back to school my net worth would be a lot better than it is now. At least there wouldn't have been a minus in front of the number.

My pizza stone just broke in half. Somehow, I don't think this article is going to help me :P

My mother has always told me that if you don't ask, the answer is always no.
My personal favorite was the time I had an interview that I was running late for. When I showed up the line to get through security had about forty people waiting. I got an officer's attention, told him I had an interview, showed him the

Later, the article says that it is four times the distance of Earth from the Sun, so I'm guessing the earlier statement about it being on the "edge of the solar system" was hyperbole.

Assuming you're asking whether the service is currently restricted to premium accounts, yes.

I so badly want to like this show. The premise is cool. The actors are good (well, some of them). Can they hire a new writing team?

For premium Plex accounts only :(

That's a good point. It's easy to forget that other states still have more discriminatory laws, as another commenter pointed out to me as well. I was actually referring more to general social interactions than regarding the fight for equal rights in general. I was under the impression that Adam was saying that he has

No I get that. I just mean that coming out seems to me to only be a "big deal" when it is to people who you've known for a long time but from whom you've kept your homosexuality a secret. For anyone else it shouldn't be any different than the first time someone asks me if I saw the game the previous night and I

See, that's what I'm talking about. You have apparently fallen back on old habits and don't correct they mistaken and vocal assumption that you're heterosexual, so you're essentially hiding that fact. As a result, if you told them you're gay now, that would be "coming out." If the first time it had happened you had

I'm not gay so this may color my understanding a bit, but I don't see why you feel that not explicitly making sure to "come out" to every person you meet will put you right back in the closet. Is it so easy to fall back on old habits? Just be yourself. If people don't realize you're gay right away, who cares? When it

Agreed. Tells me who is calling or texting and lets me answer both without having to touch or look at my phone.