
I haven't watched the hearing. Did they spend the majority of their time discussing an alien invasion?

I don't think it's even necessary to go there on this one, though I agree with you.

I don't think it's fair to say that it is a waste of time and resources to discuss and fund science that focuses outward from our planet. Two hours and $17.7 billion is less than a drop in the bucket for the US federal government.

You can actually set it to not stop listening after 5 minutes in the options for the extension, FYI.

Yes, but I don't always want to ;) I also don't have more of a problem with a keyboard shortcut than with a mouse button shortcut, I just like voice commands.

I prefer to keep middle click set to the default so I can open links in new tabs easily. It isn't that I find it hard or particularly time consuming to open a new tab, it's just so easy to not have to at all.

Maybe I've been spoiled by my Moto X, but I feel like the whole point of voice commands is so that I don't have to touch the keyboard or mouse. It isn't hard for me to hit ctrl-t to open a new tab and then say "OK Google," but always listening would be awesome.

This would be even better if it could run on the background on Chrome in general, without the need to be on a search/new tab page.

Awesome. After the fiasco with my Galaxy Nexus, I wasn't sure I could ever rely on timely updates from Verizon, but I'm impressed.

I picked it up in the same bundle and the keyboard/mouse combo works fine, but my PC couldn't handle the 3D glass shattering effects (at ALL. Slowed to a crawl, and without the effects the game looked basically the same anyway). If you turn those off you'll be fine.

Well I'm certainly no expert, but looking through that article, I have to say that I disagree with his assessment of this particular olive oil (The President's Reserve). Maybe he got a bad bottle, or maybe I've been lucky, but the two I've had have had a very fresh, fruity aroma with no bitterness (I'm assuming my

I don't know how authentic it is, but the Trader Joe's (Giotto's) extra virgin olive oil (they have three, I've only ever tasted the one priced in the middle) tastes fantastic.

I'd like to see Superman accidentally stumble into a certain Police Box, mistaking it for a phone booth...


Also awesome.

The ultimate goal is to free up as much time as possible for doing things we actually want to do as opposed to things that have no intrinsic value, the same principle behind such technology as the washing machine, the automobile (and train, and airplane), etc. Unless you prefer washing your clothes by hand and

That sounds awesome.

And yet, if you went in hungry enough that you might want to eat something (or thirsty enough to want to drink something), you'd be in the same boat as everyone else.

$9 movie ticket? This theater is $14 for a regular ticket.

I'll tell you what's immoral; making a rule that moviegoers can't bring in their own food and then charging $5 for a "small" soda.