
OneNote can do all of this as well (though it is slightly less well-suited to copying entire web pages, you can still "select all" and paste into a OneNote note, which will also automatically add a link to the page at the bottom. I also like that Win+S allows you to take a screenshot of a selected (via click and drag)

In which country? Both statutory and judge-made (common) law in the US take many or all of these factors into account, to varying degrees. The results may not always be what you might have hoped for, but those are all factors in the decision, if a judge feels that they are weighty enough in a given case.

Yes, but it gets to a point where you have so many tasks that your whole day is "on" time anyway :P

Ah, I see what you mean.

You only work 3-4 hours a day?

It isn't really that simple. I have goals I'd like to achieve. To completely change my life and abandon those goals for the sake of a reduced workload doesn't seem to me like the best long-term life decision I could make.

What I'd like to see is a push (from wherever such pushes are supposed to originate) for employers and educators to adopt a system that is better suited to the way people actually work and learn.

Putting that advice into practice is pretty much impossible for many, if not most, people. Any student who cannot control the amount of work given to them or anyone who has no say over his/her work schedule can't just decide to work hard for a few hours and then just walk away.

The latest version has an option to disable in landscape mode.

I want to take the time to craft a beautiful home screen for myself, but I can't bring myself to ditch my extremely functional homescreen for a more aesthetically pleasing one.

Every career adviser in my school (from what I've heard) stresses the importance of using Times New Roman in our resumes, as well as the placement of contact information in the header.

I've used my keychain cable, which seems to be about the same length, with desktops. Maybe I just happen to come across situations in which I can make it work, or maybe it just works because my cable is more flexible?

Short answer: you incorrectly assume too much in your comment, I've found many uses for a similar, keychain-attached product that I have on multiple occasions.

The app allows you to add direct dial shortcuts to the bar, that might be it.

I'd like to see what Saturn's rings look like up close, edge-on. Science fiction movies and video games all imagine what the inside of planetary rings might look like, but it would be cool to see the real thing.

Swapps! wasn't quite what I was looking for, but Glovebox hit the nail on the head:

As someone who did see the movie, I have to say that I went in expecting to laugh my head off the whole time. The previous films, for the most part, were very good at pulling off the "so bad it's good" stunt. This movie was stone cold boring. Nothing happened, except for one scene that was all in someone's head

Unfortunately, I don't have any invite codes. If I get my hands on one and I remember to do so, I'll send it your way.

I've been trying to get out for an hour a day a few times a week to play Ingress. I end up walking around for an hour and I don't even realize that time has gone by.

Can't you just mail a check to NASA?