
That doesn't stop the bleeding, it just redirects the flow down your throat instead of out your nose. You can stitch up the skin of someone with internal injuries so blood doesn't come out, but that doesn't mean they aren't still bleeding inside.

The nosebleed one isn't so bad. Movies' portrayals of people trying to stop nosebleeds aren't generally portraying health care professionals, and many people I know actually think that you should tilt your head back when you have a nosebleed. Of course, if this common misconception actually originated with movies...

No, because you haven't suffered any legally recognizable harm as a result of their apparent mischaracterization of the story. Sorry :(

I'm wondering the same thing. You'd think an article about an app would tell you what the app does, or what makes it so special. That's like opening up the newspaper and the headline article reads, "If you were standing alongside I-95 at Exit 50 yesterday, then you know how bad that accident was. Find out more by

I don't think that was the point of the article at all. You equate demand for less expensive goods with a sense of entitlement? Does that mean that you think that anyone who can't afford Apple products shouldn't have a computer, smartphone, or mp3 player at all?

Do we multiply income by ten as well? Because in that case it really all evens out.

Yeah, when I first started looking into high-yield savings the average rate was about 5%, but I don't remember why I never opened an account at the time. I guess I wasn't the smartest teenager :P

You can try a high-yield savings account. ING Direct, American Express, and Dollar Savings Direct all have yields around 1% (maybe just under now, I don't remember).

You can if you eat a year's worth of donuts in one day though. Maybe. I certainly won't try it :P

I think this is the first time I've ever even thought, let alone said, that Facebook would cross the line that would push me over to exclusive Google+ use. I like being on the same network as my friends, but auto-playing ads with sound would just be too much.

I'm of the opinion that a tool is a tool. The artistry is in using those tools to make your vision real. No one complains about post processing in movies for any number of other reasons, why should camera focus be any different?

In the case of this specific problem, it didn't seem like a conscious choice. They were pretty standard shots. People running/camera shaking shots were shaking up and down, but it felt different than it does at 48fps. Scenes in which the camera should have been moving smoothly the camera was shaking ever so slightly.

I agree that the HFR did wonders for certain scenes, but it also totally broke my suspension of disbelief when it revealed how fake other scenes or effects were. Certain camera movements were just a bit too wobbly where they should have been smooth, and others were a bit too smooth where they should have been jarring.

To be fair, a dragon lives in the mountain. Spoiler alert.

Good point.

The article also forgets that homosexuality doesn't necessarily mean that the person in question won't have children.

Speaking as someone who doesn't pirate music anymore, I have to say that for me it was never about entitlement. As a teenager, I simply didn't have nearly enough money to legally purchase the enormous volume of music that I was interested in listening to.

Are they alleging that the skull is a trademark of Belize? They can't be claiming a copyright in an ancient artifact, and I'm not aware of any law that grants a trademark status to ancient artifacts.

Which is exactly what I'm saying as well, so... I'm glad we agree?

That's my point. As a bicycle rider who can expect mostly low-speed impacts, or minimal benefit from any helmet at high speed, I would prefer to wear a helmet that better protects against low-speed impacts than my current Styrofoam helmet.