TVs will last simply because they're bigger than laptop/tablet screens. For an individual, screen size isn't as important as it is for group watching sessions.
TVs will last simply because they're bigger than laptop/tablet screens. For an individual, screen size isn't as important as it is for group watching sessions.
TVs will last simply because they're bigger than laptop/tablet screens. For an individual, screen size isn't as important as it is for group watching sessions.
So based on what he lays out in the article (but doesn't say explicitly), dividend stocks should go into a Roth in order to avoid paying taxes on the returns?
I was under the impression that this contest was looking for far more extreme foods than this. Had I known that all of the submissions would be regular food photographs, I would have participated :(
I actually just flashed Jelly Bean onto my wife's Kindle Fire and so far it's very, very nice; much smoother and faster (seemingly) than the OS it came with (or the other two ROMs I tried, for that matter). The Nexus 7 should be even better.
A week before my anniversary last year, Facebook suggested that I send my wife a message for the occasion.
Did the salary/happiness study find that those with higher salaries were less happy because of those higher salaries, or just that they were not more happy?
Exactly, and that would actually be sensible.
I am, but I'm hoping I don't have to at all. I'll give it a month.
Was this made in the 80's, or did they just get someone who loves 80's informational videos to make this?
Yes but once you have the iPhone you can stay on your carrier thereafter. Each Nexus phone comes out on a different carrier than the last.
They said specifically the Verizon Galaxy Nexus? We got 4.04 pretty late.
Sounds like you need a paintbrush ;)
I suppose switching carriers every time a new Nexus phone comes out sounds reasonable to some people, but not to me :P
I haven't worn a watch in a while, but I like being able to glance quickly at my wrist without having to dig into my pocket and grab my supremely distracting phone.
Maybe I'm just playing devil's advocate a bit, but in what way is a downloaded track not an experience? I know that it may not compare to a full-on concert, but if you listen and enjoy, that's an experience. If it weren't, you wouldn't bother downloading it in the first place, no?
I'm sure, and I'm still hoping that at some point they'll send out another update saying they're looking for people to fill positions like that.