I signed up to get information on ways to participate, and this is cool, but not exactly what I had in mind. I was kind of hoping I might have been able to land an internship with any legal department they may have/set up for next summer.
I signed up to get information on ways to participate, and this is cool, but not exactly what I had in mind. I was kind of hoping I might have been able to land an internship with any legal department they may have/set up for next summer.
Well since no one has actually used it yet, I can probably speak for everyone with my own hopes. This keyboard seems to promise minimal weight and thickness addition (looks about the same thickness, give or take, as the iPad's Smart Cover), while also including a trackpad mouse. It's better than a regular tablet…
Anyone have a specific cut of meat they recommend if I want to make my own jerky?
I'm pretty sure the self-restraint required to just order a Big Mac with no fries or drink is more or less comparable to the self-restraint required to order a salad and drink water when going out to a restaurant...
Well with 800 million Facebook users, that would come out to $00.000125 per user. Not so useful. This also wasn't a lawsuit, just a fine.
This fine may not be enough incentive for them to stop doing what they do, but giving the money to Facebook users wouldn't change that.
Better than steel wool?
Ouch. Is it horribly unethical to leave your experience off of your resume in that kind of situation?
Not familiar with the acronyms, but I'm familiar with the concept. Fortunately, I don't have enough time to get sucked into video games anymore... Alas.
This bit of advice is absolutely necessary right now, when job postings that claim to seek entry level applicants require a minimum of two years of experience.
From my experience, minor but hilarious accidents are more likely to happen than not, so I would assume that my window was not safe.
I usually don't use enough pots that I can't just put them on the stove to dry. My pots aren't particularly beautiful anymore (anyone have any tips on cleaning stainless steel?), so I'm not particularly worried about water spots.
Is it weird that I once had a very similar dream?
I'm sorry if this is old news, but pregnancy at two weeks before conception? Does that mean that a woman who has sex at any time within two weeks after her period has aborted a pregnancy?
This. I worked as an administrative assistant for about a year and a half in a fundraising office and half of my time was spent on computer issues, and I wasn't even in IT. The problem is that people think they don't have the time to figure out how to do anything themselves, or that it's impossible to do so, so they…
I shoot in RAW+JPEG, but I find that I use the RAW files more often because I tend to select only a few photos, and basic digital development only takes a couple of minutes.
Best of both worlds, good call. I wonder if I can use my Netflix account as similar justification...
Ok, I misunderstood what you mean about action and passivity. I think that in cases of pre-existing addiction it would be far better to allow for abortion than any of the alternatives I can imagine.
I applaud the moral fortitude of anyone who loves this show yet was able to refrain from pirating the second season.
As tokumei.incognito testified, the GSM version supposedly gets better battery life, but yes, the battery came with a new back and barely adds to the thickness of the phone. Make sure you buy the Samsung branded battery with a NFC antenna built in (taped on, whatever). Reviews had said it would increase battery life…