
I bought an extended battery (2100mAh) on Amazon and now I never have a problem getting through a day unless I use it very heavily/ have too many service problems.

Our planet has quite the history of violence perpetrated by those who feel superior to others. We may not have had the Eugenics War that Star Trek describes, but if only part of the population had access to enhancements it isn't unreasonable to think that it would lead to a society dominated by the enhanced.

I didn't mean to say that I thought that you condone forced surgery, I was kind of just going off on the idea of pushing the viability line back and what could happen as a result.

I agree 100% that there should never be a legal obligation (let alone criminality) attached to taking an action to save someone else's life. That being said, abortion is a positive action to end a life.

Thanks for the tips. I suppose that the only conclusion I can reach on the topic is that since legal access to abortion doesn't really have much effect on the actual number of abortions in total, the only reason to legally prohibit abortion would be in order to impose a stigma on people who choose it (or, if there is

Thanks, guess I didn't scroll down far enough, I'll check it out.

From what I understand, aborting a fetus in order to save the life of the mother is permissible because the fetus has the status of a "rotzeach," and it is permissible to kill someone to prevent them from killing someone else. The reason that it is no longer permissible once the baby is mostly out is because it is no

This worked out so nicely that it is almost unbelievable. Big smile on my face right now.

What's your source for that? I was under the impression that a fetus is considered a person once the embryo has implanted in the uterine wall (according to Jewish law).

This seems like a really good place to get good information on this topic, and that's the reason I'm posting here, please don't think that this is just an attempt at trolling.

Judaism doesn't have anything against homosexuals, it just forbids actual gay sex. People feel very strongly about the topic and tend to demonize homosexuals for it, but that only serves to alienate good people. I don't understand why anyone thinks it's their business what other people do, or the choices they make. If

And the best way to do it right is...?

I sent a similar email to someone last Monday, and haven't heard back from him yet. He had asked me to send him information after we met, but never got back to me once I sent it, nor did he respond to my follow-up email. Is a call a bit much, or am I being too cautious?

14th Amendment to the US Constitution:

Scratch that, I read the article twice and somehow the details just didn't stick in my head.

... How did I miss that?

I'm not an expert on medical malpractice suits, but aren't they tort claims? This would be a suit for a civil rights infringement. Not only has the Supreme Court traditionally held that private infringement of rights isn't actionable, I'm not even sure what kind of damages someone would ask for if an officer violated

This would apply to any First Amendment violation, not just stopping people from filming officers. Filming is an easy one, but not all First Amendment cases are so clear-cut. This can result in a lot of lawsuits even if the cops really are acting in good faith. Police have immunity because their jobs often result in

So should we also allow senators to incur civil liability if they vote for a bill that is later struck down by the Supreme Court as violating Constitutional rights?

Very cool, that makes a lot of sense.