
How is a printed description more useful than an image to someone who is visually impaired?

Wouldn't this work best as a smartphone app that reads the description aloud to the user (since a printout probably isn't any better than just looking at the subject in the first place)? Solves the design problem, and spares people having to carry around another device.

I personally prefer Android, but I can't fault someone for going with an iPhone. Even if Apple's practices are stone cold, the phone has a great selection of high-quality apps, good build quality, and is very responsive.

I actually have been buying Humble Bundles where before I wasn't buying games at all. I wasn't pirating them, but they weren't making any money off of me either. I may not donate the full retail price of the games (I'm a poor student), but at least they got something out of it.

Man, it's really too bad I missed out on the narrow slice of history in which absurdly long hours wasn't the norm.

Well because of the unique nature of the concept of infinity, you can fit a smaller infinity into a larger one, which solves your problem. That being said, is there an infinite amount of matter in the universe?

I'm not saying that what you said doesn't make sense, but I don't understand what you wrote. Can you explain?

How do you know?

What's wrong with being married? Are they afraid that married applicants will try for a higher salary?

To be fair, Aang and Katara what? She didn't seem into him at all throughout the show (she even gives him the old "I don't know how I feel" rejection speech), and then at the end oh yeah she loves him. I think that was the only part of the show that they could have spent a bit more effort on.

Just because you're good at something doesn't mean it isn't difficult. I mean, this guy was clearly lacking in terms of general photographic skill, but even photographers with technical mastery of their equipment can often fail to do a good job on a wedding.

This looks good, but I was hoping for a way to increase my free storage space via referrals or something (though I get why Google doesn't really need that for this product). I'll probably use this as a supplement to Dropbox rather than as a replacement.

I'd love to see the results. I've seen good wedding photos and bad wedding photos, and I've also seen fantastic wedding photos. I've never done a wedding professionally, but I've brought my camera to weddings and manage to get at most a few decent shots, with an occasional great shot.

From what I can tell, the viability line was drawn by the US Supreme Court as the best compromise between the two sides and is basically arbitrary. Viability is not the point at which even a fetus is fully developed, nor is it a natural place to draw any such line since advances in medical technology can push the

Oh that's better than mine (above).

Well it isn't short, but "those to whom autonomy has a greater objective/societal value than fetal life" and "those to whom fetal life has a greater objective/societal value than autonomy" might work? It's hard to sum up complex concepts in very short phrases :P

Most non-scientists coming back from the future probably wouldn't really be aware of any of those. That being said, if someone came back from the future to start a cult, I don't know that hard evidence would be the firs thing on their list of priorities.

Has the possibility of dolphin war been ruled out?

What does it say? I'm not familiar with the act but is it one of those confidentiality notices that can't possibly be binding under any theory of contract law?

But you left out the whole rest of the framework that makes up the internet, and completely left out all the devices that could potentially receive your emails!