
They probably made that change (among many others) in order to make Katniss a more sympathetic character. That isn't a particularly significant plot point anyway in light of their goal of making Katniss someone we don't hate.

I guess the important difference between smartphones and regular computers is that we take our smartphones everywhere. The author of the post essentially made this his main point; he sleeps with his phone (because he uses it as his alarm) and has it on his person at all times throughout the day. Now that we carry our

I did say the same about every new technology. I suppose maybe I don't fully understand the meaning of the term "exobrain" since I'm not sure why such a thing would not be a tool.

I have a Galaxy Nexus. It is pretty awesome, but the battery life is sometimes frustrating if I get lazy about properly managing my power consumption, and unlocking the phone occasionally opens the camera for no reason.

Aren't all tools extensions of our selves? Because our phones fulfill so many functions, it no longer makes as much sense to lump it in the same category as a hammer or a car. The only way in which the modern smartphone is removed from being a cybernetic implant is that it hasn't been literally implanted in our

Right, I said as much in my original comment, but QR codes seem to be getting a reputation for uselessness and NFC capabilities will be more common in the future.

True, but if it proves more effective it may be worth it.

How much would it cost?

NFC would probably work better for anything close up. No need to launch a special app, just touch your phone to a NFC sticker and have a popup requesting permission to launch the link. No need to open up an app beforehand, no worrying about poor lighting conditions, and potentially a lot less ugly.

It seems from the article that they are referring to differences in pixel density on a screen and the scalability of interface objects, not the difference between a desktop and a tablet.

Mind you, I'm not saying someone needs to put a stop to Apple's policies. We all have a choice to not buy an iPhone. I'm just saying that I think that this policy is only acceptable because we can choose a different phone.

I don't think they're making it difficult for its own sake, no. Probably the one thing that most bothers me was their attempted criminalization of jailbreaking your iPhone.

Perhaps. I can't say that I know for certain that that is their marketing plan, but they are perceived that way by a lot of people. At the very least, the way they present their products almost seems designed to overwhelm the senses, with words like "magical" and "revolutionary" flying around and clouds of words

The purpose of a cell phone is obviously not to familiarize you with technology. I definitely agree that Apple's philosophy has its place in the market (that's why I don't actually bear any animosity toward the company or its products), but standing on its own I think that simplicity isn't enough. Simplicity and

I didn't say that people who use Apple products "love being Apple's bitch." The iPhone and iPad are both great products, and they sell well because they are great products. But the idea that choice itself is bad because it can confuse people is ludicrous. Apple isn't catering to ignorance, they are encouraging it by

Replying to both of your replies at once:

I know it's off-topic, I just said it here because it honestly didn't even occur to me until I was reading this article. I'm serious though, is there a specific reason that they haven't upgraded this spec? Do they figure most people just don't need that much space?

If it isn't hate, at the very least there isn't much respect going on (though Apple does seem to lash out at some of its biggest fans in very public and harsh ways). Just because Henry Ford was successful doesn't mean he wasn't a jerk (I have no idea whether he was or not, and have no context for that quote, though I

Maybe slightly off-topic, but the author did ask why Apple goes after their biggest fans with so much ferocity. I think it's just one aspect of their general corporate mindset. They seem in general to take the position that they know what the consumer wants better than the consumer does, and that the consumer will

Wait... Why are the storage options on the iPad still the same as they were two years ago, at the same price? I can get a 32GB class 10 SD card for $20, but upgrading my iPad from 16 to 32GB costs $100?