
The same can be said of lots of modern advances... Are you still skeptical of the airplane and helicopter because man tried unsuccessfully for years to fly? I mean, I know that this isn't exactly conclusive evidence, but it seems plausible.

Because Apple understands that to be successful you have to really hate your customers. They realize that the masses are basically just an insecure teenage girl who likes the asshole instead of the nice guy.

Just because Hermione is awesome doesn't mean that Harry should have fallen in love with her. When they first met they were little kids and neither he nor Ron ever thought of her in that way until, arguably, the fourth book, at which point Harry had already started crushing on just about everyone else.

Actually, if you read more carefully Ginny is a pretty strong character, she just isn't central to the action. During the time she has a crush on Harry she's pretty quiet, but once she grows up a bit she displays some impressive magic and gumption.

This is the case almost everywhere, isn't it? People are being forced to do more work and are being offered less money all over the place.

When I check, I generally find that my display uses far more battery power than the games I play. Even if 75% of the game's power consumption is ad-related, that seems to make a marginal difference in my experience.

That's exactly what I was thinking. He wasn't particularly far away, but his shots were all grouped very tightly.

This is nice for current shareholders, but it isn't a particularly fantastic dividend. I should have bought in a long time ago :P

I think that they are just using this as one example of the ways in which he is morally bankrupt. While any civilian deaths are horrible, telling your troops to kill your own citizens is, in a way, worse.

I've taken lots of different kinds of shots off of reflective surfaces. So long as it's clean, your camera shouldn't even realize it's there.

So... everyone who reviews a product and doesn't gush over it is a spoiled child?

Or more money in general, yeah :P

Same here. I turned the bass on my subwoofer all the way up and let it go till my wife couldn't take it anymore.

Well I probably won't have time to submit this week anyway :P

Hm... The wording of the challenge actually provides an interesting loophole; maybe I'll be able to submit after all.

I think this is the first challenge that has outright excluded a large group of people... Maybe I'll go to an Apple store and take a picture with one of the iPads there.

It's a decent price but I have a doorbell that technically works, which makes it hard to justify spending anything at all really. It's too bad, I've been wanting to change my doorbell sound to the door chime from Star Trek: TNG for a while now and this would make it easy.

Some please tell me this exists for Windows.

Well I did say seems. That link took me back to this article?

I want this so badly, but I can't even come close to justifying this purchase.