
In order to get the Photoshop deal you need to submit proof of enrollment in an educational institution - a transcript, photo ID, or other document identifying you as a student. Once Adobe verifies your status they will send you the download link or the disc.

You need to send them a copy of your valid student ID with a date on it.

You need to send them a copy of your valid student ID with a date on it.

Now all I need is a Macbook Air. My Lenovo is total garbage and I just can't afford to buy a new laptop only six months after buying this one.

This all sounds awesome, but I keep asking myself - what purpose is served by absurdly hi-resolution displays at such a small size? At what point is it no longer worth the processing power needed to sustain such a huge output in return for fitting more on a tiny screen?

I think they were actually scanning the comments on the videos for evidence that the viewers found the video funny.

Nope, just personal anecdotal evidence. Like I said, I've seen good comments on youtube, but far more have been of the, "OMG LOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLL" variety. I admit that that is not conclusive evidence of stupidity on their part, but it certainly doesn't imply any intelligence either.

Oh. I guess Google missed the huge flaw in their plan: Youtube commenters generally represent the lowest common denominator (to be fair, I've seen some good ones, but in general), and their reactions are not a good metric by which to judge anything :P

Am I missing something, perhaps because I watched without sound? Why did he try to stop the fan with his head?

Doesn't Ctrl-F1 minimize the ribbon in Office 2010? I actually like the ribbon, but on a smaller screen that does the trick for me, and leaves just the tab titles available to click on to temporarily drop down the ribbon.


If my casebooks were available in ebook form that would be incredible. Alas, not a single one of them was available digitally :(

But then the threat has only been "mostly" mitigated, no? Or postponed? It was a weird word choice on his part. But then, so was "energy source." Almost like he's trying to make it sound more complicated and less interesting than it actually is.

It would "fully mitigate" the threat? He means "eliminate" then?

I guess my question was more about people who aren't professionals, but who are proficient, or really enjoy the craft. Just because someone isn't a professional doesn't mean they aren't a photographer.

I already use Google for just about everything else. If they can give me a good, competitive online storage option, with great integration with their other services, I'd probably be willing to upgrade from my free DropBox to a paid Google storage account.

If Google does it right they might win me over from DropBox...

Bail generally has more to do with the degree to which a suspect is a flight risk than the crime they are accused of having committed.

I'm not sure about Texas law specifically, but in general the law of adverse possession grants title to the adverse possessor at the end of the statutory period. From what I can tell, he was able to secure negotiating rights because of the specifics of the way the law is in Texas and the strangeness of the situation

What actually does though? Seems like "enjoys photography" would be a good place to set that line.