
Can I do this in Windows?

Methinks beauty may be in the eye of the beholder, since people seem to be evenly split between loving it, hating it, and ambivalence.

Hm, I guess this article was a good idea then.

Except on my phone it just pushes the volume to max :P

It would not have occurred to me that people didn't already know this... I've always considered this to be fundamental to using an Android phone :P

My thoughts exactly.

They post articles that are more loosely related to tech than you might like, but it seems to me that the majority of us don't mind at all. Every content provider has a measure of duty to their readers, but at the end of the day they post what they want to post.

I disagree. Their goal here isn't to suspend our disbelief, and they have every right to post any articles they choose. It happens to be that this does touch on gadgetry, since, as someone else pointed out, this has to do with the technology involved in demolition.

Wow, good thing we have people like you here to keep Giz in check, who knows what off-topic articles they might post on their own website if you weren't here to call them out.


Does that old joke really bother you that much?

The first time I ever biked to work I also didn't bring enough food with me. I was crashing so hard I just had to ask my boss if I could take a 15 minute nap. I slept on the couch in the CEO's office (don't ask) and 15 minutes later I felt like a new man!

That's awesome.

The cleanup crew were all volunteers?

It is only imprecise because it has been programmed to be so.

My guess would be so boats can't crash into the bridge.

If "a few a-holes" can successfully start a riot, your friendly politeness doesn't really count for much... Not saying anyone else is any better, but how you act under pressure and stress is still a part of who you are.

Ditto, that was hilarious.

This is basically a replicator. Kinda grosses me out that this is what they eat in Star Trek :P

Well if you don't plan on buying a dSLR the best bit of advice I ever read was to not be afraid to move around as needed to get the shot you want, and to think before you shoot.