
Victorinox 8 or 10 inch chef's knife is by far the best value I've seen for $30. I do love my Shun knives though :P

That reminds me, I need to go get a few more guns... never know when those Canadians plan on invading...

Well no. The dollar is backed by the US government's ability to pay off it's own debts and keep its economy from totally collapsing. Any homeless person who finds money on the street cna spend it, it isn't backed by his own personal worth (not to say that being homeless makes someone worthless, but personal worth

Sure but backpacks come in all shapes and sizes and not everyone has the kind of back you're referring to. I'm just saying that it is odd that he has never seen anyone wearing any kind of backpack slung over one shoulder, even temporarily.

I find it hard to believe that you've never seen anyone wear their backpack on one shoulder. You probably just didn't notice. So far as I can remember, I've never met anyone who didn't wear it on one shoulder at some point or another.

That looks great but wow is it expensive.. Even so, I'd consider it if not for the fact that once your camera and laptop are in there there isn't much room for anything else.

With his nose.

It's anyone's place to complain about anything they don't like, and I disagree with you. Facebook's responsibility to it's users is in many respects very similar to the responsibility developers have towards users of paid applications. Facebook with no users would make no money; the users create the revenue stream for

No money is real anymore, it's all backed by empty air (well, technically anyway). There are many goods you can purchase, both real and virtual, that have no resale value or aren't resell-able at all. Can you resell a loaf of bread after you eat it? What about an app you buy for your phone?

Facebook may be free to use, but it's users generate a ton of money for Facebook itself. As such, they have a responsibility to their user base to provide a decent service. Jesus wasn't complaining that it makes his work harder, he's complaining that it makes doing what everyone does on Facebook, namely, keeping up

Captain KIRK?

Like Enterprise-A

At Warp 5 that should only take a day or so, no?

I'm pretty sure its the latter ;)

Then why does time fly when I'm having fun?

I want the Star Destroyer but who has $300 to drop on a LEGO set?

I probably should've put it better. They probably didn't compare these to Zune's service because they didn't think enough readers use a Zune to make it worth their while. Taking into account the sheer number of replies that (jokingly) ask "what is a Zune?" this mentality doesn't seem to be unique to me.

I didn't say it isn't a great product, I only implied that it has a very small market share (though that implication is not founded on any kind of research, just on observation).

It isn't that they are nobodies, and I probably should've put it better. They probably didn't compare these to Zune's service because they didn't think enough readers use a Zune to make it worth their while.

I'm pretty sure the Zune doesn't loom very large on anyone's tech radar...