
Yes, naming children is such "fun"!

If they're being literal about it, how do their calculations make sense compared to the Jewish calendar year 5771 (from the creation of the earth)?


Oh come on. Honestly, it seems as if network executives just get a kick out of cancelling great shows.

What's spooky is the fact that all of those people end up dying anyway eventually... Wooooooooo!

Well evolution doesn't care what we think, we change to suit our situation, not our fantasies ;)

For design these seem a bit limited, but I wouldn't say that more creative pursuits aren't real work if that's how someone earns their income ;)

I have the same issues with this kind of thing that you do, I guess we just draw the line in a different place (probably also just a result of our culture).

My point was that even people who have a view that offends you still have a right to exist. The holocaust parallel jumped out at me easily, but it would just as easily for any other group about which you'd say the same thing.

Hm. I was going to make a holocaust reference but I'll just say: seriously?

I'm pretty sure the reason for this stems from the laws surrounding modesty. To be fair, if they're censoring women out they should be censoring men out as well, since most modesty laws technically apply to both men and women, but this doesn't really have to do with a fear of women causing arousal in men.

Even so, I don't see how why this article seems to be causing so much controversy, since it seems to be more or less about conserving gas (even if most of the methods seem to be little tricks that probably wouldn't make too much of an impact).

Well the price of our gas isn't really determined by those of us who are the ones filling up. In any case, I'd say that a better goal (though the means wouldn't necessarily be very different) would be increasing interest in sources of renewable energy, since saving a non-renewable source for it's own sake doesn't

Heck yes it is, I use virtually no gas now that its nice enough out again to ride my bike to work.

Well what better way to force environmental awareness than to force people to use gas more economically through higher prices?

That's very nice but if we just accepted every luxury in our lives as expensive and never tried to minimize expenses we would probably lose out on a lot of potentially saved cash. Frankly, that just seems wasteful to me.

Yeah, at least we can benefit from these experts no matter what they talk about ;)

I guess you guys aren't looking for those of us who are pretty good at a lot of things but expert in nothing?

That would also mean that the US government is collaborating with Al Qaeda. Also, if the US government knows he isn't dead then they would still be looking for him, despite what other member of his organization may say.

I guess the only solution is to take note of everything they release, then dig a hole and bury ourselves because between what they release and don't release there's nothing left that is safe.