
Correct, someone who is "terminally ill" will die, money or no money, my apologies for implying that money will cure such a person. What I actually meant was someone who could get better if they had proper medical care.

Money makes things easier (most of the time). The people I know who are really struggling financially have a lot of stress in their lives because of it. I'm not saying that you have to be wealthy to be happy, but the less you have to worry about the better.

I don't believe you. Ask the parent of any terminally ill child who can't afford to take that child to the best doctors.

Honestly, that scene disappointed me, I thought it was too fast. Still, if they filmed the whole movie from that perspective that would be amazing.

I know right? Only an idiot would use the same network that everyone else uses to keep in touch with one another without having to actually make thirty phone calls a day. Any tool is only as stupid as the way you use it.

I'd say people are the leading cause of relationship trouble, Facebook is just another way for them to screw up.

This is an excellent way to cover the basics, looking forward to the more advanced lessons.

Yeah because they had no traffic :P

Well that works... I hope that update fixes Remote in general.

Remote already lets you use your iPad to connect to iTunes and play music wirelessly, why can't Apple just allow streaming through the same app?

I haven't tried anything, personally, since I have a Droid. I would love for Android's shade to get a bit more power though.

I agree that this is far from perfect, but it is a step in the right direction.

Not saying this is the best solution, just that it is better.

You just select "later" and you can access all of your notifications whenever you want to. Did you watch the video?

Uh, why would we want Patrick Stewart to have hair exactly?

Looks like a triple helix actually... What?

That sounds very nice, but since we don't live in a perfect world in which no one has to pay for food or shelter, this doesn't really make any sense.

Set phasers to stunning.

You can't take a console to school either, so I guess that's pointless as well since most kids spend the overwhelming majority of their day in school. /sarcasm

Depends how long you can continue to use it for that function. What's the going rate for a real babysitter nowadays?