
He's Number One. 1 squared is 1.

White links on a white background are very... annoying.

White links on a white background are very... annoying.

@disarticulate: They usually do. This is a tech website though, so they don't really call it "straying."

@Accordion: So why would someone laugh at the thought of aliens?

@FuzzyCaveman: I meant more in the sense that the human body is the ultimate analog controller.

@Accordion: So you don't believe in aliens?

You descended in a spaceship?

Hm, I know one of those guys...

@Eric LaPrairie: That is so strange in context... You're essentially reversing the question and saying you could never give up your digital tool for a more analog one.

@Eric LaPrairie: That is so strange in context... You're essentially reversing the question and saying you could never give up your digital tool for a more analog one.

Am I the only one who likes the bezel on the iPad? I find that it makes it much easier to hold with one hand than if it were smaller.

@topsully: True, but I couldn't resist.

I received an iPad as a present recently. When I asked the gifter to wait a few months, I just got a death stare.

The millenium Falcon has FTL capabilities, defensive shields, and weapons. You can argue which you love more, but the Falcon is an undeniably more fully equipped vessel.

@B0ss: I understand the idea, I guess it all boils down to what kind of mistakes they're referring to. I certainly won't neglect to check my work for typos in order to allow myself to make a mistake that I don't want to have to learn from the hard way.

@swarmster: Interesting example, though I most certainly will not be making intentional mistakes at work in the foreseeable future...