
@Vidikron: Do they actually taste that similar?

@Organized Chaos: Yeah, it's a problem. I remember the ridiculous comic in which Supes explained why his disguise works. He fashioned glasses out of the glass from his rocket because heat vision kept melting his regular glasses, but the kryptonian glass amplified his super-hypnotism.

I've been dying to try New Coke for years and it sucks to know that I will never be able to taste that piece of history...

@Organized Chaos: Duh, it reflects the heat. The mirror is from the uh, basket my adopted parents found me in.

I just use a mirror and my own heat vision to burn my hair off. No razor ever seems to be able to cut it.

Well the book Battlefield Earth kind of did this the right way. The alien invaders only wanted resources and didn't really care if the humans died or not so long as they weren't in the way. The protagonists only triumphed because they were able to learn to use the alien's own technology against them. I guess that

Hm, I didn't realize there was a limit on this. I've been using this feature almost exclusively for the last couple of days since my Droid decided I wasn't its master anymore :P

@Chuck: Yeah, well, its good to be the king.

Ok I was wrong, these turned out awesome.

@funda: I'm pretty sure iApps are not returnable, but you can probably contact individual developers to find out whether they'd be willing to refund your money for an app you don't want to keep.

@drongch: I think he's more looking to live this way before any kind of soul crushing can even begin.

@Salacion: What does that have to do with this iPad case?

@swenson: Happens to my wife all the time. I always have to find things that were right under her nose because she simply couldn't see them.

I guess in theory this can produce interested pictures but I kind of feel like the majority will simply be decent photos made awful.

@ModernBawhair: If it was given to you for the express purpose of blowing on a case then you wouldn't be able to give it away to charity if we're going to argue semantics.

So climate change is a good thing, yay!

@ModernBawhair: If someone dropped $60,000 in your lap you'd take $50 and give all of the rest to charity? You sir are a much better person than I am.