
That's HEDLEY Lamarr. HEDLEY!

@NickFoote: Alas, not everyone feels that way and sometimes it can be useful to send a quick text, even while driving. Since I don't want to die or kill anyone, I go with Vlingo.

@NickFoote: Makes sense if the person you are texting is unable to speak on the phone. I use Vlingo InCar on my Droid and though it sometimes makes mistakes transcribing what I say, it's nice never having to touch my phone while I drive.

@gizmofan: That assumes that our internal mechanisms for determining orientation and direction are flawless and are being influenced from outside... It could just be that the way our bodies interpret stimuli is imperfect.

Snakes don't even need planes anymore? Shit.

Was this a Vulcan scientist?

@Etarip: If it's on a keychain, they probably just never noticed it. The best place to hide a small pocketknife is in plain sight.

@dan: I suppose :P

Why are so many people listing Linux as an App? Isn't it more a platform than an application in and of itself, or is that merely semantics?

Assuming, since you used the word "app," that you mean smartphone apps:

@k4man: Interesting, sounds like a good project to me.

@crosis101: A waste of Agenothree that is better put to use against thread.

@k4man: Which aspect of it needs to be predicted? This information seems pretty comprehensive...

@LastSeatTrumpet: No, I know a family friend who does it and he's pretty good actually.

@CodenameV: This actually sounds decent on a harmonica as well.

@zross312: If only I were joking...