
You know you're watching too much Star Trek when your first reaction is to wonder what might be blocking their scans for life signs...

@The5thElephant: I was simply quoting the article, which, based on the content of your comment, you seemed to agree with though your comment sounded like an argument. I was pointing out the fact that you and the article seemed to be in agreement.

@jdmcd: 2009 is the gun from District 9 I believe...

@The5thElephant: While differing system reqs is simply a fact of life with PCs—and no one would ever talk about it as "fragmentation"—it's definitely one aspect of phones turning into computers that we're not super keen on.

@OrganizedFellow: Most definitely. First thing I'd do if I won the lottery, after giving a chunk to family and a couple of charities, would be hire a good personal money manager. Lord knows I'm not the best at choosing good investments.

@D0ct3r: What is enough to justify spending $5?

Hell yeah, this would work great with my Intuos.

@OrganizedFellow: You can't stop working on only $1 million anyway. Man, times are rough...

Too many Star Trek jokes to choose from. Ugh.

@chakasrazor: Seriously, I guess that's what the Great Barrier is for, so we can't see how close it is.

@Dish: Yes, it IS rich.

My wife always panics and asks if I've left the oven on and I never have... This might go a long way toward helping her nerves.

@MaWeiTao: I'm pretty sure that those people have a problem with actual killing and not virtual killing, which, in my humble opinion, is quite different since it doesn't result in loss of life. Barring the obvious differences, these types of games are very similar in appeal to paintball and airsoft, which I'd guess

@Ash Paulsen: I do believe that this is the first time I've seen Americans and Europeans made fun of at the same exact time.

@dtptampa: Everything? Oh shit so I'm sitting on the ceiling, not the floor? Oh crap what if I'm STANDING???

@JimboLodisC: I actually gave it a shot for a day and decided to return it in the end. I don't think I'll be going back to it, but it was interesting.

@scottlandk: Seriously Pete, shut up about your uncle already.