
It looks like a Honda fucked a Ford...

I wonder how many Death Stars they are going to blow up in this movie?

You can only drive it on Jackie Robinson Day... or maybe every day is Jackie Robinson Day 

Looks like it might taste good though


iPads are bigger... wouldn’t that be better?

Paranoia— one of the most stereotypical reactions to weed—doesn’t exactly make sex very fun...

Someday when I’m rich I want to have a giant house that looks like that manifold in the middle... it’s so beautiful

Who the hell cares? What fucking difference does it make?

Pretty please with 5w 3o on top...

I really wanna throw a road flare at it to see if it goes boom or not

You missed one... White Econovan = Child Molester

Looks like some kind of really cool vacuum cleaner (Roomba)

The cruel biting laughter is the worst... I almost feel bad for the dipshit

At least 3... and maybe some type of discount on additional movies

Have you ever considered the possibility that the “homeless guy” is her boyfriend and this whole thing was just a fraud?

I’m more interested in the stopping power

I’m more interested in the stopping power

Donate it to Crazy Russian Hacker

Agreed but maybe something more like this