the headlamp is the most underrated tool, period, end of story
the headlamp is the most underrated tool, period, end of story
Yes. roof mounted machine gun AND water cannon. If you have to worry about the price of tiers, though, you can’t afford it.
One of those top-hatch clamshell doors you see in limos in movies, where the door opens and a minigun turret pops up. I bet this could carry some spare ammo drums!
It needs one of those foam cannons that the airports use. You can fill it with whipped cream.
I 100% don’t see what the big deal is. We all agree that for our health we need to cook more and eat prepared/takeout food less, but we shame people when they deviate from some all-organic, community garden, mill-your-own-flour from scratch ideal. If spending a premium to buy pre-cut vegetables means you eat more…
I got it, make the garage doors clear!
I love how the HOA announcement throws quotations around the word “reasonable.”
For Voyager 1, given that its is over 13 billion miles from Earth*, that would be over 90,000 mpg.
I don’t remember the exact math, but the Saturn V used something like 5% of it’s fuel just getting to its own height.
fuck yeah math!
Nice. I applaud this comment.
It exists, fiat has one, espresso though
Buy a fiat 500L
The Mustang already has a “burnout mode” it’s called line-lock and even the EcoBoost Mustang gets it in 2018 but was standard on the GT since 2015.
My dad told me stories growing up of his buddy who had a Jeep Wrangler and got 2 extra windshield wiper tanks/motors and rigged up his own switch. You would open the glove box and mix the drink in your cup right there with whatnot in one and OJ in the other.